Wolfgang Bock
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Cited by
Mitigation and herd immunity strategy for COVID-19 is likely to fail
B Adamik, M Bawiec, V Bezborodov, W Bock, M Bodych, JP Burgard, ...
MedRxiv, 2020.03. 25.20043109, 2020
Predictive performance of multi-model ensemble forecasts of COVID-19 across European nations
K Sherratt, H Gruson, H Johnson, R Niehus, B Prasse, F Sandmann, ...
Elife 12, e81916, 2023
Targeted covid-19 vaccination (tav-covid) considering limited vaccination capacities—an agent-based modeling evaluation
B Jahn, G Sroczynski, M Bicher, C Rippinger, N Mühlberger, J Santamaria, ...
Vaccines 9 (5), 434, 2021
Modeling dengue data from Semarang, Indonesia
T Götz, N Altmeier, W Bock, R Rockenfeller, KP Wijaya
Ecological complexity 30, 57-62, 2017
Optimal control and basic reproduction numbers for a compartmental spatial multipatch dengue model
W Bock, Y Jayathunga
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 41 (9), 3231-3245, 2018
Optimal control of a multi-patch dengue model under the influence of Wolbachia bacterium
W Bock, Y Jayathunga
Mathematical biosciences 315, 108219, 2019
Disease contagion models coupled to crowd motion and mesh-free simulation
PS Abdul Salam, W Bock, A Klar, S Tiwari
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 31 (06), 1277-1295, 2021
A white noise approach to phase space Feynman path integrals
W Bock, M Grothaus
Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 85, 7-22, 2012
Age-specific contribution of contacts to transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in Germany
I Rodiah, P Vanella, A Kuhlmann, VK Jaeger, M Harries, G Krause, ...
European Journal of Epidemiology 38 (1), 39-58, 2023
Integral representation of generalized grey Brownian motion
W Bock, S Desmettre, JL da Silva
Stochastics 92 (4), 552-565, 2020
Scaling properties of weakly self-avoiding fractional brownian motion in one dimension
W Bock, JB Bornales, CO Cabahug, S Eleutério, L Streit
Journal of Statistical Physics 161, 1155-1162, 2015
Applied School Mathematics—Made in Kaiserslautern
W Bock, M Bracke
Currents in industrial mathematics: From concepts to research to education …, 2015
Wick type SDEs driven by grey Brownian motion
W Bock, JL Da Silva
AIP Conf. Proc 1871, 020004, 2017
Local times for multifractional Brownian motion in higher dimensions: A white noise approach
W Bock, JL da Silva, HP Suryawan
arXiv preprint arXiv:1408.0189, 2014
Project teaching and mathematical modelling in STEM subjects: A design based research study
W Bock, M Bracke
Proceedings of CERME 8, 1010-1020, 2013
Polymer measure: Varadhan's renormalization revisited
W Bock, MJ Oliveira, JL da Silva, L Streit
arXiv preprint arXiv:1405.7150, 2014
Prediction of dengue cases based on human mobility and seasonality—An example for the city of Jakarta
P Heidrich, Y Jayathunga, W Bock, T Götz
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 44 (17), 13633-13658, 2021
Stochastic quantization for the fractional Edwards measure
W Bock, T Fattler, L Streit
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 151, 81-88, 2017
Analysis of stochastic quantization for the fractional Edwards measure
W Bock, JL da Silva, T Fattler
Reports on Mathematical Physics 82 (2), 187-202, 2018
The Feynman integrand for the charged particle in a constant magnetic field as white noise distribution
W Bock, M Grothaus, S Jung
Communications in Stochastic Analysis 6 (4), 649-668, 2012
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Articles 1–20