Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerd von Cölln (geb. Jochens)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerd von Cölln (geb. Jochens)
Professor für Rechnerarchitekturen, Hochschule Emden-Leer
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Zitiert von
Predictable design of low power systems by pre-implementation estimation and optimization
W Nebel, A Stammermann, D Helms, E Schmidt, M Schulte, L Kruse, ...
US Patent 7,725,848, 2010
A new parameterizable power macro-model for datapath components
G Jochens, L Kruse, E Schmidt, W Nebel
Proceedings of the conference on Design, automation and test in Europe, 8-es, 1999
Estimation of lower and upper bounds on the power consumption from scheduled data flow graphs
L Kruse, E Schmidt, G Jochens, A Stammermann, A Schulz, E Macii, ...
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems 9 (1), 3-14, 2001
Memory power models for multilevel power estimation and optimization
E Schmidt, G Von Colln, L Kruse, F Theeuwen, W Nebel
IEEE transactions on very large scale integration (VLSI) systems 10 (2), 106-109, 2002
Power-simulation of cell based ASICs: accuracy-and performance trade-offs
D Rabe, G Jochens, L Kruse, W Nebel
Proceedings Design, Automation and Test in Europe, 356-361, 1998
Optimization of wireless locating in complex environments by placement of anchor nodes with evolutionary algorithms
T Leune, T Wehs, M Janssen, C Koch, G von Cölln
2013 IEEE 18th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation …, 2013
System architecture for data communication and localization under harsh environmental conditions in maritime automation
T Wehs, M Janssen, C Koch, G von Cölln
IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 1252-1257, 2012
Power macro-modelling for firm-macro
G Jochens, L Kruse, E Schmidt, A Stammermann, W Nebel
International Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and …, 2000
Lower and upper bounds on the switching activity in scheduled data flow graphs
L Kruse, E Schmidt, G Jochens, W Nebel
Proceedings of the 1999 international symposium on Low power electronics and …, 1999
Automatic nonlinear memory power modelling
E Schmidt, G Jochens, L Kruse, F Theeuwen, W Nebel
Proceedings of the conference on Design, automation and test in Europe, 808, 2001
Wireless locating and data communication in harsh industrial environments
T Leune, T Wehs, M Janssen, C Koch, G von Cölln
Proceedings of 2012 IEEE 17th International Conference on Emerging …, 2012
Lower bounds on the power consumption in scheduled data flow graphs with resource constraints
L Kruse, E Schmidt, G Jochens, A Stammermann, W Nebel
Proceedings Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition …, 2000
Low power binding heuristics
L Kruse, E Schmidt, G Jochens, W Nebel
PATMOS-99, 41-50, 1999
Application of toggle-based power estimation to module characterization
G Jochens, L Kruse, W Nebel
Proceedings of PATMOS (Power and Timing Modeling of Integrated Circuits …, 1997
An energy measurement system for characterization of energy harvesting systems
J Meyer, H Meyer, G von Cölln
2018 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory …, 2018
Anchor node placement in complex environments with physical raytracing and genetic algorithms
T Leune, C Koch, G von Cölln
2016 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation …, 2016
Lower bound estimation for low power high-level synthesis
L Kruse, E Schmidt, G Jochens, A Stammermann, W Nebel
Proceedings 13th International Symposium on System Synthesis, 180-185, 2000
A mobile open infrastructure network protocol (MOIN) for localization and data communication in UWB based wireless sensor networks
M Janssen, A Busboom, U Schoon, G von Colln, C Koch
2014 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-WideBand (ICUWB), 409-414, 2014
Detection of distorted IR-UWB pulses in low SNR NLOS scenarios
T Wehs, T Leune, G von Cölln, C Koch
2014 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-WideBand (ICUWB), 51-56, 2014
Automatic generation of complexity functions for high-level power analysis
E Schmidt, A Schulz, L Kruse, G von Cölln, W Nebel
Int. Works. Power Timing Modelling Performance Integrated Circuits (PATMOS), 2001
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