Jan Gertheiss
Jan Gertheiss
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Wisdom of crowds for robust gene network inference
D Marbach, JC Costello, R Küffner, NM Vega, RJ Prill, DM Camacho, ...
Nature methods 9 (8), 796-804, 2012
Variable selection in generalized functional linear models
J Gertheiss, A Maity, AM Staicu
Stat 2 (1), 86-101, 2013
Sparse modeling of categorial explanatory variables
J Gertheiss, G Tutz
Penalized regression with ordinal predictors
J Gertheiss, G Tutz
International Statistical Review 77 (3), 345-365, 2009
Generalized functional additive mixed models
F Scheipl, J Gertheiss, S Greven
Regularized regression for categorical data
G Tutz, J Gertheiss
Statistical Modelling 16 (3), 161-200, 2016
Longitudinal scalar-on-functions regression with application to tractography data
J Gertheiss, J Goldsmith, C Crainiceanu, S Greven
Biostatistics 14 (3), 447-461, 2013
Human perception of color differences using computer vision system measurements of raw pork loin
BA Altmann, J Gertheiss, I Tomasevic, C Engelkes, T Glaesener, J Meyer, ...
Meat Science 188, 108766, 2022
Interaction of skatole and androstenone in the olfactory perception of boar taint
D Mörlein, J Mörlein, J Gertheiss, L Meier-Dinkel, J Fischer, HJ Eynck, ...
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 64 (22), 4556-4565, 2016
Selection of ordinally scaled independent variables with applications to international classification of functioning core sets
J Gertheiss, S Hogger, C Oberhauser, G Tutz
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics 60 (3 …, 2011
Feature extraction in signal regression: a boosting technique for functional data regression
G Tutz, J Gertheiss
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 19 (1), 154-174, 2010
Evaluating the performance of sensory quality control: The case of boar taint
L Meier-Dinkel, J Gertheiss, S Müller, R Wesoly, D Mörlein
Meat Science 100, 73-84, 2015
How olfactory acuity affects the sensory assessment of boar fat: A proposal for quantification
J Trautmann, J Gertheiss, M Wicke, D Mörlein
Meat Science 98 (2), 255-262, 2014
Random forests for functional covariates
A Möller, G Tutz, J Gertheiss
Journal of Chemometrics 30 (12), 715-725, 2016
Boar taint detection: A comparison of three sensory protocols
J Trautmann, L Meier-Dinkel, J Gertheiss, D Mörlein
Meat science 111, 92-100, 2016
Nearest neighbor ensembles for functional data with interpretable feature selection
K Fuchs, J Gertheiss, G Tutz
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 146, 186-197, 2015
Rating scales as predictors—the old question of scale level and some answers
G Tutz, J Gertheiss
Psychometrika 79, 357-376, 2014
Regularization and model selection with categorical predictors and effect modifiers in generalized linear models
MR Oelker, J Gertheiss, G Tutz
Statistical Modelling 14 (2), 157-177, 2014
Having the Second Leg at Home-Advantage in the UEFA Champions League Knockout Phase?
MJA Eugster, J Gertheiss, S Kaiser
Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports 7 (1), 2011
Activation of the NF-κB pathway alters the phenotype of MSCs in the tracheal aspirates of preterm infants with severe BPD
T Reicherzer, S Häffner, T Shahzad, J Gronbach, J Mysliwietz, C Hübener, ...
American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 315 (1 …, 2018
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