Dustin Keßler
Dustin Keßler
Research Assistant, University of Applied Sciences Ruhr West
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Cited by
Cited by
Navigating a heavy industry environment using augmented reality-a comparison of two indoor navigation designs
A Arntz, D Keßler, N Borgert, N Zengeler, M Jansen, U Handmann, ...
Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. Industrial and Everyday Life …, 2020
Relax yourself-using virtual reality to enhance employees' mental health and work performance
C Straßmann, SC Eimler, A Arntz, D Keßler, S Zielinski, G Brandenberg, ...
Extended abstracts of the 2019 CHI conference on human factors in computing …, 2019
Mill instructor: Teaching industrial cnc procedures using virtual reality
D Keßler, A Arntz, J Friedhoff, SC Eimler
2020 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual …, 2020
Walking on the Bright Sight: Evaluating a Photovoltaics Virtual Reality Education Application
A Arntz, SC Eimler, D Keßler, J Thomas, A Helgert, M Rehm, E Graf, ...
2021 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual …, 2021
Person tracking in heavy industry environments with camera images
N Zengeler, A Arntz, D Keßler, M Grimm, Z Qasem, M Jansen, S Eimler, ...
Science and Technologies for Smart Cities: 5th EAI International Summit …, 2020
Teaching practical tasks with virtual reality and augmented reality an experimental study comparing learning outcomes
A Arntz, S Eimler, U Handmann, D Keßler
21st General online research conference, 49-49, 2019
Thermodynamics reloaded: Experiencing heating, ventilation and air conditioning in ar
A Arntz, SC Eimler, D Keßler, A Nabokova, S Schädlich
2020 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual …, 2020
Enlighten: A photovoltaics learning environment in virtual reality
A Arntz, D Kessler, SC Eimler
2021 International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 221-223, 2021
Dynamic, adaptive and mobile system for context-based and intelligent support of employees in the steel industry
K Hermsen, SC Eimler, A Arntz, D Keßler, M Jansen, Z Qasem, M Grimm, ...
4th ESTAD (European Steel Technology and Application Days). Düsseldorf, Germany, 2019
DamokleS 4.0
N Zengeler, M Grimm, A Arntz, D Keßler, M Jansen, S Eimler, ...
Evaluation des Einflusses von Beleuchtung auf die Aufmerksamkeit innerhalb von Virtual Reality Lernszenarien
A Arntz, D Keßler, S Eimler
Mensch und Computer 2018-Tagungsband, 10.18420/muc2018-mci-0426, 2018
Development of a Virtual Reality Application Affecting Relaxation and Well-being
C Straßmann, SC Eimler, A Arntz, D Keßler, S Zielinski, G Brandenberg, ...
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
A Arntz, D Keßler, SC Eimler, U Handmann
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Articles 1–13