Rainer Schlosser
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Zitiert von
Magic mirror in my hand, which is the best in the land? an experimental evaluation of index selection algorithms
J Kossmann, S Halfpap, M Jankrift, R Schlosser
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 13 (12), 2382-2395, 2020
Dynamic pricing under competition using reinforcement learning
A Kastius, R Schlosser
Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 21, 50-63, 2022
Efficient scalable multi-attribute index selection using recursive strategies
R Schlosser, J Kossmann, M Boissier
2019 IEEE 35th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 1238-1249, 2019
Dynamic pricing under competition on online marketplaces: A data-driven approach
R Schlosser, M Boissier
Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge …, 2018
Optimal advertising and pricing in a class of general new-product adoption models
K Helmes, R Schlosser, M Weber
European Journal of Operational Research 229 (2), 433-443, 2013
Next generation cooperative wearables: Generalized activity assessment computed fully distributed within a wireless body area network
M Seiffert, F Holstein, R Schlosser, J Schiller
IEEE Access 5, 16793-16807, 2017
SWIRL: Selection of Workload-aware Indexes using Reinforcement Learning
J Kossmann, A Kastius, R Schlosser
EDBT, 155 - 168, 2022
Stochastic dynamic pricing and advertising in isoelastic oligopoly models
R Schlosser
European Journal of Operational Research 259 (3), 1144-1155, 2017
Hybrid data layouts for tiered HTAP databases with pareto-optimal data placements
M Boissier, R Schlosser, M Uflacker
2018 IEEE 34th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 209-220, 2018
Circular economy: Joint dynamic pricing and recycling investments
R Schlosser, RY Chenavaz, S Dimitrov
International Journal of Production Economics 236, 108117, 2021
Dynamic advertising and pricing with constant demand elasticities
KL Helmes, R Schlosser
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 37 (12), 2814-2832, 2013
Dynamic pricing with reference price effects in integrated online and offline retailing
R Chenavaz, W Klibi, R Schlosser
International Journal of Production Research 60 (19), 5854-5875, 2022
Dynamic pricing and advertising of perishable products with inventory holding costs
R Schlosser
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 57, 163-181, 2015
Does the circular economy fuel the throwaway society? The role of opportunity costs for products that lose value over time
F Figge, S Dimitrov, R Schlosser, R Chenavaz
Journal of Cleaner Production 368, 133207, 2022
GPU acceleration for information-theoretic constraint-based causal discovery
C Hagedorn, C Lange, J Huegle, R Schlosser
The KDD'22 Workshop on Causal Discovery, 30-60, 2022
Joint stochastic dynamic pricing and advertising with time-dependent demand
R Schlosser
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 73, 439-452, 2016
Self-driving database systems: a conceptual approach
J Kossmann, R Schlosser
Distributed and Parallel Databases 38, 795-817, 2020
Dynamic pricing under competition with data-driven price anticipations and endogenous reference price effects
R Schlosser, K Richly
Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 18, 451-464, 2019
An interactive platform to simulate dynamic pricing competition on online marketplaces
S Serth, N Podlesny, M Bornstein, J Lindemann, J Latt, J Selke, ...
2017 IEEE 21st International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing …, 2017
Dealing with the dimensionality curse in dynamic pricing competition: Using frequent repricing to compensate imperfect market anticipations
R Schlosser, M Boissier
Computers & Operations Research 100, 26-42, 2018
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