Markus A. Launer
Markus A. Launer
Ostfalia University and independent Institue for non-profit Services
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Towards the measurement of digital trust in the workplace: A proposed framework
DE Marcial, MA Launer
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Science 3 (12), 1-7, 2019
Test-retest reliability and internal consistency of the survey questionnaire on digital trust in the workplace
D Marcial, M Launer
Solid State Technology 64 (2), 4369-4381, 2021
Artificial intelligence and wisdom
H Kitzmann, V Yatsenko, M Launer
Инновации в менеджменте, 22-27, 2021
Digital trust in the workplace: Testing a new instrument on a multicultural sample
M Launer, F Çetin, J Paliszkiewicz
Forum Scientiae Oeconomia 10 (1), 130-147, 2022
Before virtuous practice. Public and private sector-specific preferences for intuition and deliberation in decision-making
F Svenson, B Steffen, C Harteis, MA Launer
Public Integrity 25 (5), 494-506, 2023
Praxishandbuch Debt Relations
PT Hasler, MA Launer, MK Wilhelm
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2013
Different types of intuition at the workplace: an integrative review
F Svenson, P Pietrzak, MA Launer
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2023
Credibility and trust of information privacy at the workplace in Slovakia. The use of intuition
F Svenson, EB Mikušková, MA Launer
Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 21 (3), 302-321, 2023
G. 4 Decision-making style and trusting stance at the workplace: a socio-cultural approach
F Svenson, HR Chaudhuri, A Das, M Launer
Pre-Print Reliabilty and Consitancy Test of the global Survey Digital Trust & Intuition at the Workplace
M Launer, D Marcial, C Gaumann
Research Gate, 2020
A comprehensive and systematic study on the cybernetics management systems
B Yang, JV Serrano, MA Launer, L Wang, K Rabiei
Systemic Practice and Action Research 36 (3), 479-504, 2023
Arbeitspapier Nr. 7 Digitales Vertrauen und Teamwork Hauptstudie 1
M Launer, D Schneider, S Borsych
Working Paper, 2019
Digitales Vertrauen und Teamwork in Supply Chains Studie 2
M Launer, S Borsych, L Alvermann
Working Paper, 2019
The development of digital trust–research directions
J Paliszkiewicz, M Launer
Suderburger Arbeitspapiere für Handel und Logistik, 2020
Bond Relations: Investor, Bond, Creditor und Gläubiger Relations für Anleihen, Obligationen, Wandelschuldverschreibungen und neue innovative Formen der Fremdkapitalfinanzierung …
MA Launer, M Wilhelm
dissertation. de-Verlag im Internet, 2011
Coordination of foreign subsidiaries in multinational enterprises
MA Launer
Eul, 2005
Preferences for intuition and deliberation in decision-making in the public sector: Cross-cultural comparison of China, Taiwan, the Philippines, and the USA
F Svenson, N Ermasova, F Çetin, MA Launer
International Journal of Public Administration 48 (1), 14-29, 2025
Intuition and digital trust in virtual organizations: Toward digital intuition
M Launer, F Svenson, F Çetin, P Pietrzak
Trust and digital business, 34-46, 2022
Rationalität, Heuristik, Intuition, Bauchgefühl & Antizipation (RHIBA)
M Launer, F Svenson, D Ohler, M Ferwagner, J Meyer
Suderburger Arbeitspapiere für Handel & Logistik Arbeitspapier, 2020
18 Bond Relations in Unternehmen
M Launer
Mittelstandsanleihen: Ein Leitfaden für die Praxis, 235, 2012
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