Jan-Peter Voß
Jan-Peter Voß
Visiting professor, Chair of Society and Technology (SoTec), RWTH Aachen University
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Innovation studies and sustainability transitions: The allure of the multi-level perspective and its challenges
A Smith, JP Voß, J Grin
Research policy 39 (4), 435-448, 2010
Reflexive Governance for Sustainable Development
JP Voß, D Bauknecht, R Kemp
Reflexive Governance for Sustainable Development, 2006
Designing long-term policy: rethinking transition management
JP Voß, A Smith, J Grin
Policy Sciences 42 (4), 275-302, 2009
The politics of reflexive governance: challenges for designing adaptive management and transition management
JP Voß, B Bornemann
Ecology and Society 16 (2), 9, 2011
Sustainability and reflexive governance: introduction
JP Voß, R Kemp
Voß JP, Bauknecht D, Kemp R (eds.): Reflexive governance for sustainable …, 2006
Micro Cogeneration. Towards decentralized energy systems
M Pehnt, M Cames, C Fischer, B Praetorius, L Schneider, K Schumacher, ...
Berlin/Heidelberg, 2006
Innovation processes in governance: the development of ‘emissions trading’as a new policy instrument
JP Voß
Science and public policy 34 (5), 329-343, 2007
Instrument constituencies and the supply side of policy innovation: The social life of emissions trading
JP Voß, A Simons
Environmental Politics 23 (5), 735-754, 2014
Steering for sustainable development: a typology of problems and strategies with respect to ambivalence, uncertainty and distributed power
JP Voß, J Newig, B Kastens, J Monstadt, B Nölting
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 9 (3-4), 193-212, 2007
Multi-regime dynamics in the analysis of sectoral transformation potentials: evidence from German utility sectors
K Konrad, B Truffer, JP Voß
Journal of Cleaner Production 16 (11), 1190-1202, 2008
Quality criteria of transdisciplinary research. A guide for the formative evaluation of research projects
M Bergmann, B Brohmann, E Hoffmann, MC Loibl, R Rehaag, E Schramm, ...
A guide for the, 2005
Governance for Sustainable Development: Coping with Ambivalence, Uncertainty and Distributed Power
J Newig, JP Voß, J Monstadt
Routledge, 2008
Qualitätskriterien transdisziplinärer Forschung. Ein Leitfaden für die formative Evaluation von Forschungsprojekten
B Brohmann, E Hoffmann, MC Loibl, R Rehaag, E Schramm, JP Voß
ISOE, 2005
Mapping expectations for system transformations: Lessons from Sustainability Foresight in German utility sectors
B Truffer, JP Voß, K Konrad
Technological forecasting and social change 75 (9), 1360-1372, 2008
The concept of instrument constituencies: accounting for dynamics and practices of knowing governance
A Simons, JP Voß
Policy and Society 37 (1), 14-35, 2018
Umbrella terms as mediators in the governance of emerging science and technology
A Rip, JP Voß
Science, Technology and Innovation Studies 9 (2), 39-59, 2013
Reflexive Governance for Sustainable Development–Incorporating feedback in social problem solving
JP Voss, R Kemp
paper for ESEE Conference, 2005
Innovating public participation methods: technoscientization and reflexive engagement
JP Voß, N Amelung
Social Studies of Science 46 (5), 749-772, 2016
Designs on governance. Development of policy instruments and dynamics in governance
JP Voß …, 2007
Knowing Governance. The epistemic construction of political order
JP Voß, R Freeman
Palgrave Macmillan, 2016
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