Mark Ferguson
Mark Ferguson
Professor of Management Science, Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina
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The effect of competition on recovery strategies
ME Ferguson, LB Toktay
Production and operations management 15 (3), 351-368, 2006
Is leasing greener than selling?
VV Agrawal, M Ferguson, LB Toktay, VM Thomas
Management Science 58 (3), 523-533, 2012
Supply chain coordination for false failure returns
M Ferguson, VDR Guide Jr, GC Souza
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 8 (4), 376-393, 2006
The value of quality grading in remanufacturing
M Ferguson, VD Guide Jr, E Koca, GC Souza
Production and Operations Management 18 (3), 300-314, 2009
The car sharing economy: Interaction of business model choice and product line design
I Bellos, M Ferguson, LB Toktay
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 19 (2), 185-201, 2017
Information sharing to improve retail product freshness of perishables
M Ferguson, ME Ketzenberg
Production and Operations Management 15 (1), 57-73, 2006
Evaluation of postponement structures to accommodate mass customization
JCP Su, YL Chang, M Ferguson
Journal of Operations Management 23 (3-4), 305-318, 2005
Relicensing as a secondary market strategy
N Oraiopoulos, ME Ferguson, LB Toktay
Management Science 58 (5), 1022-1037, 2012
Multiperiod remanufacturing planning with uncertain quality of inputs
M Denizel, M Ferguson, G Souza
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 57 (3), 394-404, 2009
Closed-loop supply chains: new developments to improve the sustainability of business practices
M Ferguson, G Souza
CRC Press, 2016
How should a firm manage deteriorating inventory?
ME Ferguson, O Koenigsberg
Production and Operations Management 16 (3), 306-321, 2007
Note: An application of the EOQ model with nonlinear holding cost to inventory management of perishables
M Ferguson, V Jayaraman, GC Souza
European journal of operational research 180 (1), 485-490, 2007
Remanufacturing and the component commonality decision
R Subramanian, ME Ferguson, L Beril Toktay
Production and Operations Management 22 (1), 36-53, 2013
Managing slow‐moving perishables in the grocery industry
M Ketzenberg, ME Ferguson
Production and Operations Management 17 (5), 513-521, 2008
Trade-in rebates for price discrimination and product recovery
VV Agrawal, M Ferguson, GC Souza
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 63 (3), 326-339, 2016
Contrasting distributions of urban green infrastructure across social and ethno-racial groups
M Ferguson, HE Roberts, RRC McEachan, M Dallimer
Landscape and Urban Planning 175, 136-148, 2018
Estimation of choice-based models using sales data from a single firm
JP Newman, ME Ferguson, LA Garrow, TL Jacobs
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 16 (2), 184-197, 2014
Capacity investment in renewable energy technology with supply intermittency: Data granularity matters!
S Hu, GC Souza, ME Ferguson, W Wang
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 17 (4), 480-494, 2015
Segmentation, revenue management and pricing analytics
T Bodea, M Ferguson
Routledge, 2014
How much do online consumers really value free product returns? Evidence from eBay
G Shang, P Pekgün, M Ferguson, M Galbreth
Journal of Operations Management 53, 45-62, 2017
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