Values, attitudes and travel behavior: a hierarchical latent variable mixed logit model of travel mode choice M Paulssen, D Temme, A Vij, JL Walker Transportation 41, 873-888, 2014 | 416 | 2014 |
Incorporating latent variables into discrete choice models—a simultaneous estimation approach using SEM software D Temme, M Paulssen, T Dannewald Business Research 1, 220-237, 2008 | 171 | 2008 |
Consciousness for fair consumption: conceptualization, scale development and empirical validation I Balderjahn, M Peyer, M Paulssen International Journal of Consumer Studies 37 (5), 546-555, 2013 | 134 | 2013 |
Satisfaction and repurchase behavior in a business-to-business setting: Investigating the moderating effect of manufacturer, company and demographic characteristics M Paulssen, MM Birk Industrial Marketing Management 36 (7), 983-997, 2007 | 133 | 2007 |
Attachment orientations in business‐to‐business relationships M Paulssen Psychology & Marketing 26 (6), 507-533, 2009 | 106 | 2009 |
Kausalität, Linearität, Reliabilität: Drei Dinge, die Sie nie über Strukturgleichungsmodelle wissen wollten J Scholderer, I Balderjahn, M Paulssen Die Betriebswirtschaft 66 (6), 640, 2006 | 104 | 2006 |
Common Method Variance/Ursachen, Auswirkungen und Kontroll-möglichkeiten D Temme, M Paulssen, L Hildebrandt Die Betriebswirtschaft 69 (2), 123, 2009 | 92 | 2009 |
A self‐regulatory model of consideration set formation M Paulssen, RP Bagozzi Psychology & Marketing 22 (10), 785-812, 2005 | 90 | 2005 |
Customers’ experienced product quality: scale development and validation RR Das Guru, M Paulssen European Journal of Marketing 54 (4), 645-670, 2020 | 87 | 2020 |
Risk as moderator of the trust-loyalty relationship M Paulssen, R Roulet, S Wilke European Journal of Marketing 48 (5/6), 964-981, 2014 | 86 | 2014 |
Messung und Gestaltung der Markenpositionierung V Trommsdorff, M Paulssen Moderne Markenführung: Grundlagen—Innovative Ansätze—Praktische …, 2005 | 67* | 2005 |
Attachment security and the strength of commercial relationships: A longitudinal study M Paulssen, S Fournier Humboldt-Univ., Wirtschaftswiss. Fak., 2007 | 53 | 2007 |
Customer in-role and extra-role behaviours in a retail setting: The differential roles of customer-company identification and overall satisfaction M Paulssen, J Brunneder, A Sommerfeld European Journal of Marketing 53 (12), 2501-2529, 2019 | 52 | 2019 |
Messung und Gestaltung der Markenpositionierung V Trommsdorff, M Paulssen Moderne Markenführung: Grundlagen Innovative Ansätze Praktische Umsetzungen …, 2001 | 33 | 2001 |
Goal hierarchies as antecedents of market structure M Paulssen, RP Bagozzi Psychology & Marketing 23 (8), 689-709, 2006 | 32 | 2006 |
Integrating latent variables in discrete choice models: how higher-order values and attitudes determine consumer choice D Temme, M Paulssen, T Dannewald SFB 649 Discussion Paper, 2007 | 30 | 2007 |
Relational norms in customer–company relationships: Net and configurational effects M Paulssen, A Leischnig, BS Ivens, MM Birk Journal of Business Research 69 (12), 5866-5874, 2016 | 27 | 2016 |
Customer coping in response to relationship transgressions: An attachment theoretic approach M Paulssen, RP Bagozzi Handbook of brand relationships, 380-398, 2014 | 27 | 2014 |
Social bonding as a determinant of share of wallet and cross-buying behaviour in B2B relationships M Paulssen, R Roulet European journal of marketing 51 (5/6), 1011-1028, 2017 | 24 | 2017 |
Messung und Gestaltung der Markenpositionierung V Trommsdorff, M Paulssen Moderne Markenführung: Grundlagen-Innovative Ansätze-Praktische Umsetzungen …, 2000 | 21 | 2000 |