maxi san miguel
maxi san miguel
prof of physics, IFISC (UIB-CSIC)
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The Dynamics of First Order Phase Transitions
JD Gunton, M San Miguel, PS Sahni
Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena 8, 269-466, 1983
Light-polarization dynamics in surface-emitting semiconductor lasers
M San Miguel, Q Feng, JV Moloney
Physical Review A 52 (2), 1728, 1995
Analytical and numerical studies of multiplicative noise
JM Sancho, M San Miguel, SL Katz, JD Gunton
Physical Review A 26 (3), 1589, 1982
Polarization properties of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers
J Martin-Regalado, F Prati, M San Miguel, NB Abraham
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 33 (5), 765-783, 1997
Coevolution of dynamical states and interactions in dynamic networks
MG Zimmermann, VM Eguíluz, M San Miguel
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 69 (6 …, 2004
Homophily, cultural drift, and the co-evolution of cultural groups
D Centola, JC Gonzalez-Avella, VM Eguiluz, M San Miguel
Journal of Conflict Resolution 51 (6), 905-929, 2007
Manifesto of computational social science
R Conte, N Gilbert, G Bonelli, C Cioffi-Revilla, G Deffuant, J Kertesz, ...
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 214, 325-346, 2012
Cooperation and the emergence of role differentiation in the dynamics of social networks
VM Eguíluz, MG Zimmermann, CJ Cela-Conde, MS Miguel
American journal of sociology 110 (4), 977-1008, 2005
Nonequilibrium transitions in complex networks: A model of social interaction
K Klemm, VM Eguíluz, R Toral, M San Miguel
Physical Review E 67 (2), 026120, 2003
Voter model dynamics in complex networks: Role of dimensionality, disorder, and degree distribution
K Suchecki, VM Eguíluz, M San Miguel
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 72 (3 …, 2005
Generic absorbing transition in coevolution dynamics
F Vazquez, VM Eguíluz, MS Miguel
Physical review letters 100 (10), 108702, 2008
Is the voter model a model for voters?
J Fernández-Gracia, K Suchecki, JJ Ramasco, M San Miguel, VM Eguíluz
Physical review letters 112 (15), 158701, 2014
Global culture: A noise-induced transition in finite systems
K Klemm, VM Eguíluz, R Toral, M San Miguel
Physical Review E 67 (4), 045101, 2003
Polarization switching in vertical-cavity surface emitting lasers observed at constant active region temperature
J Martin-Regalado, JLA Chilla, JJ Rocca, P Brusenbach
Applied physics letters 70 (25), 3350-3352, 1997
Ordering dynamics with two non-excluding options: bilingualism in language competition
X Castelló, VM Eguíluz, M San Miguel
New Journal of Physics 8 (12), 308, 2006
Adiabatic elimination for systems of Brownian particles with nonconstant damping coefficients
JM Sancho, MS Miguel, D Dürr
Journal of Statistical Physics 28, 291-305, 1982
Phase separation in two-dimensional binary fluids
M San Miguel, M Grant, JD Gunton
Physical Review A 31 (2), 1001, 1985
A measure of individual role in collective dynamics
K Klemm, MÁ Serrano, VM Eguíluz, MS Miguel
Scientific reports 2 (1), 292, 2012
Conservation laws for the voter model in complex networks
K Suchecki, VM Eguiluz, M San Miguel
Europhysics Letters 69 (2), 228, 2004
Stochastic effects in physical systems
M San Miguel, R Toral
Instabilities and nonequilibrium structures VI, 35-127, 2000
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