Luis Aguiar
Cited by
Cited by
As streaming reaches flood stage, does it stimulate or depress music sales?
L Aguiar, J Waldfogel
International Journal of Industrial Organization 57, 278-307, 2018
Digital music consumption on the internet: Evidence from clickstream data
L Aguiar, B Martens
Information Economics and Policy 34, 27-43, 2016
Platforms, power, and promotion: Evidence from Spotify playlists
L Aguiar, J Waldfogel
The Journal of Industrial Economics 69 (3), 653-691, 2021
The digital transformation of news media and the rise of disinformation and fake news
B Martens, L Aguiar, E Gomez-Herrera, F Mueller-Langer
Digital Economy Working Paper 2018-02, Joint Research Centre Technical Reports, 2018
Let the music play? Free streaming and its effects on digital music consumption
L Aguiar
Information Economics and Policy 41, 1-14, 2017
Netflix: global hegemon or facilitator of frictionless digital trade?
L Aguiar, J Waldfogel
Journal of Cultural Economics 42, 419-445, 2018
Quality Predictability and the Welfare Benefits from New Products: Evidence from the Digitization of Recorded Music
L Aguiar, J Waldfogel
Journal of Political Economy 126 (2), 492-524, 2018
European cooperative R&D and firm performance: Evidence based on funding differences in key actions
L Aguiar, P Gagnepain
International Journal of Industrial Organization 53, 1-31, 2017
Catch me if you can: Effectiveness and consequences of online copyright enforcement
L Aguiar, J Claussen, C Peukert
Information Systems Research 29 (3), 656-678, 2018
Even the losers get lucky sometimes: New products and the evolution of music quality since Napster
L Aguiar, J Waldfogel
Information Economics and Policy 34, 1-15, 2016
The digital transformation of news media and the rise of disinformation and fake news-An economic perspective
B Martens, L Aguiar, E Gomez-Herrera, F Mueller-Langer
Digital Economy Working Paper 2018-02, 2018
Playlisting favorites: Measuring platform bias in the music industry
L Aguiar, J Waldfogel, S Waldfogel
International Journal of Industrial Organization 78, 102765, 2021
Digitization, copyright, and the welfare effects of music trade
L Aguiar, J Waldfogel
Copyright, and the Welfare Effects of Music Trade (December 3, 2014), 2014
Facebook shadow profiles
L Aguiar, C Peukert, M Schaefer, H Ullrich
arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.04131, 2022
Platforms and the transformation of the content industries
L Aguiar, I Reimers, J Waldfogel
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 33 (2), 317-326, 2024
Digitization and the Content Industries
L Aguiar, J Waldfogel, G Llobet, JJ Ganuza
FUNCAS Social and Economic Studies, 2018
Absorptive capacity, knowledge spillovers and incentive contracts
L Aguiar, P Gagnepain
International Journal of Industrial Organization 82, 102830, 2022
Bad apples on Rotten Tomatoes: critics, crowds, and gender bias in product ratings
L Aguiar
Marketing Science, 2024
Digitization and the welfare effects of motion picture trade
L Aguiar, J Waldfogel
University of Zurich, 2019
Going mobile: The effects of smartphone usage on internet consumption
L Aguiar
JRC Digital Economy Working Paper, 2019
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Articles 1–20