Philipp Schering
Philipp Schering
thyssenkrupp Materials Services
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Magnetic field dependence of the electron spin revival amplitude in periodically pulsed quantum dots
I Kleinjohann, E Evers, P Schering, A Greilich, GS Uhrig, M Bayer, ...
Physical Review B 98 (15), 155318, 2018
Efficient algorithms for the dynamics of large and infinite classical central spin models
B Fauseweh, P Schering, J Hüdepohl, GS Uhrig
Physical Review B 96 (5), 054415, 2017
Nuclear frequency focusing in periodically pulsed semiconductor quantum dots described by infinite classical central spin models
P Schering, J Hüdepohl, GS Uhrig, B Fauseweh
Physical Review B 98 (2), 024305, 2018
Persisting correlations of a central spin coupled to large spin baths
U Seifert, P Bleicker, P Schering, A Faribault, GS Uhrig
Physical Review B 94 (9), 094308, 2016
Interplay of spin mode locking and nuclei-induced frequency focusing in quantum dots
P Schering, PW Scherer, GS Uhrig
Physical Review B 102 (11), 115301, 2020
Spin inertia and polarization recovery in quantum dots: Role of pumping strength and resonant spin amplification
P Schering, GS Uhrig, DS Smirnov
Physical Review Research 1 (3), 033189, 2019
Quantum mechanical treatment of large spin baths
R Röhrig, P Schering, LB Gravert, B Fauseweh, GS Uhrig
Physical Review B 97 (16), 165431, 2018
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of nonequilibrium steady states in quantum dots
P Schering, GS Uhrig
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 133 (5), 57003, 2021
Resonant spin amplification in Faraday geometry
P Schering, E Evers, V Nedelea, DS Smirnov, EA Zhukov, DR Yakovlev, ...
Physical Review B 103 (20), L201301, 2021
Si­mu­la­tion of Nonequilibrium Spin Dynamics in Quantum Dots Subjected to Periodic Laser Pulses
P Schering, PW Scherer, GS Uhrig
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '20, 115–131, 2021
Nonequilibrium spin phenomena in quantum dots induced by periodic optical excitation
P Schering
TU Dortmund University, 2021
Dynamics in the central spin model employing the Born approximation
P Schering
TU Dortmund University, 2016
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