Adam W. Hall
Adam W. Hall
PhD Candidate, University of Toronto
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Zitiert von
Safe learning in robotics: From learning-based control to safe reinforcement learning
L Brunke, M Greeff, AW Hall, Z Yuan, S Zhou, J Panerati, AP Schoellig
Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems 5 (1), 411-444, 2022
Safe-Control-Gym: A Unified Benchmark Suite for Safe Learning-Based Control and Reinforcement Learning in Robotics
Z Yuan, AW Hall, S Zhou, L Brunke, M Greeff, J Panerati, AP Schoellig
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (4), 11142-11149, 2022
Riemannian optimization for distance-geometric inverse kinematics
F Marić, M Giamou, AW Hall, S Khoubyarian, I Petrović, J Kelly
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 38 (3), 1703-1722, 2021
Learning a stability filter for uncertain differentially flat systems using Gaussian processes
M Greeff, AW Hall, AP Schoellig
2021 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 789-794, 2021
Differentially Flat Learning-Based Model Predictive Control Using a Stability, State, and Input Constraining Safety Filter
AW Hall, M Greeff, AP Schoellig
IEEE Control Systems Letters 7, 2191-2196, 2023
What is the Impact of Releasing Code with Publications? Statistics from the Machine Learning, Robotics, and Control Communities
S Zhou, L Brunke, A Tao, AW Hall, FP Bejarano, J Panerati, AP Schoellig
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.10008, 2023
Different Degrees of Regulation for Robotics
A Hall, E Wise
Workshop on Debates on the Future of Robotics Research in Proceedings of the …, 2019
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