Ting Zhang
Ting Zhang
Associate Professor, University of Baltimore
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The determinants of new-firm survival across regional economies: The role of human capital stock and knowledge spillover
ZJ Acs, C Armington, T Zhang
Global Entrepreneurship, Institutions and Incentives, 344-368, 2015
Age and entrepreneurship: nuances from entrepreneur types and generation effects
T Zhang, Z Acs
Small Business Economics 43 (4), 37, 2018
Working from home: small business performance and the COVID-19 pandemic
T Zhang, DA Gerlowski, Z Acs
Small Business Economics 58 (10.1007/s11187-021-00493-6), 611–636, 2022
Elderly Entrepreneurship in an Aging Us Economy It’s Never Too Late
T Zhang
Series on Economic Development and Growth/Scientific Publishing Co, 2008
Ph.D. Completion and Attrition: Analysis of Baseline Demographic Data of the Ph.D. Completion Project
KR R. Sowell, T. Zhang, N. Bell
Council of Graduate Schools Publication, 2008
PhD completion and attrition: Analysis of baseline data
R Sowell, T Zhang, N Bell
Washington, DC: Council of Graduate Schools, 1-23, 2008
What determines corporate pension fund risk-taking strategy?
H An, Z Huang, T Zhang
Journal of Banking & Finance 37 (2), 597-613, 2013
History and development of entrepreneurship in China
H Li
Entrepreneurship and economic growth in China, 13-33, 2013
Can job control ameliorate work-family conflict and enhance job satisfaction among Chinese registered nurses? A mediation model
X Ding, Y Yang, D Su, T Zhang, L Li, H Li
The international journal of occupational and environmental medicine 9 (2), 97, 2018
What drives post-retirement-age knowledge-based self-employment? An investigation of social, policy, and individual factors
T Zhang
Entrepreneurship, self-employment and retirement (ed)Sappleton, Natalie …, 2015
Jaffe–Feldman–Varga: The search for knowledge spillovers
ZJ Ács
Entrepreneurship And Economic Growth In China, 37, 2012
Different age effects by entrepreneur types: an investigation on US boomer entrepreneur
T Zhang, Z Acs
Handbook of research on entrepreneurship and aging, (eds.) Backman, Mikaela …, 2019
Heterogeneous Boomer Entrepreneurs
T Zhang
Handbook of research on elderly entrepreneurship, (ed) Maâlaoui, Adnane, 93-110, 2019
Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth in China
T Zhang, RR Stough
World Scientific, 2013
PhD completion and attrition: Policies and Practices to promote student success
RS Sowel, T Zhang, NE Bell, SN Kirby
Council of Graduate Schools, 2010
Detecting research focus and research fronts in the medical big data field using co-word and co-citation analysis
T Zhang, H Chi, Z Ouyang
2018 IEEE 20th International Conference on High Performance Computing and …, 2018
Rural disparities in hospital patient satisfaction: multilevel analysis of the Massachusetts AHA, SID, and HCAHPS data
Y Kang, HM Tzeng, T Zhang
Journal of Patient Experience 7 (4), 607-614, 2020
Does generation matter to entrepreneurship? Four generations of entrepreneurs
T Zhang, Z Acs
Southern Economic Journal 86 (2), 459-477, 2019
Does Working for Oneself, not Others, Improve Older Adults’ Health? An Investigation on Health Impact of Self-Employment
T Zhang, D Carr
American Journal of Entrepreneurship 7 (1), 142-180, 2014
Digital exposure, age, and entrepreneurship
T Zhang, R Stough, DA Gerlowski
The Annals of Regional Science 69, 633–681, 2022
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