Jonathan Aldrich
Jonathan Aldrich
Professor of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
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ArchJava: connecting software architecture to implementation
J Aldrich, C Chambers, D Notkin
Proceedings of the 24th international conference on Software engineering …, 2002
Alias annotations for program understanding
J Aldrich, V Kostadinov, C Chambers
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 37 (11), 311-330, 2002
Open modules: Modular reasoning about advice
J Aldrich
European conference on object-oriented programming, 144-168, 2005
Modular typestate checking of aliased objects
K Bierhoff, J Aldrich
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 42 (10), 301-320, 2007
Ownership domains: Separating aliasing policy from mechanism
J Aldrich, C Chambers
European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, 1-25, 2004
Architectural reasoning in ArchJava
J Aldrich, C Chambers, D Notkin
ECOOP 2002—Object-Oriented Programming: 16th European Conference Málaga …, 2002
Static analyses for eliminating unnecessary synchronization from Java programs
J Aldrich, C Chambers, EG Sirer, S Eggers
Static Analysis: 6th International Symposium, SAS’99 Venice, Italy …, 1999
Typestate-oriented programming
J Aldrich, J Sunshine, D Saini, Z Sparks
Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGPLAN conference companion on Object oriented …, 2009
Discotect: A system for discovering architectures from running systems
H Yan, D Garlan, B Schmerl, J Aldrich, R Kazman
Proceedings. 26th International Conference on Software Engineering, 470-479, 2004
Discovering architectures from running systems
B Schmerl, J Aldrich, D Garlan, R Kazman, H Yan
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 32 (7), 454-466, 2006
Statically checking API protocol conformance with mined multi-object specifications
M Pradel, C Jaspan, J Aldrich, TR Gross
2012 34th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 925-935, 2012
Language support for connector abstractions
J Aldrich, V Sazawal, C Chambers, D Notkin
ECOOP 2003–Object-Oriented Programming: 17th European Conference, Darmstadt …, 2003
Gradual typestate
R Wolff, R Garcia, É Tanter, J Aldrich
ECOOP 2011–Object-Oriented Programming: 25th European Conference, Lancaster …, 2011
Verifying correct usage of atomic blocks and typestate
NE Beckman, K Bierhoff, J Aldrich
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented …, 2008
Differencing and merging of architectural views
M Abi-Antoun, J Aldrich, N Nahas, B Schmerl, D Garlan
Automated Software Engineering 15, 35-74, 2008
A type system for borrowing permissions
K Naden, R Bocchino, J Aldrich, K Bierhoff
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 47 (1), 557-570, 2012
First-class state change in plaid
J Sunshine, K Naden, S Stork, J Aldrich, É Tanter
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 46 (10), 713-732, 2011
Practical API protocol checking with access permissions
K Bierhoff, NE Beckman, J Aldrich
ECOOP 2009–Object-Oriented Programming: 23rd European Conference, Genoa …, 2009
Foundations of typestate-oriented programming
R Garcia, É Tanter, R Wolff, J Aldrich
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 36 (4), 1-44, 2014
Static extraction and conformance analysis of hierarchical runtime architectural structure using annotations
M Abi-Antoun, J Aldrich
Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object oriented …, 2009
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