Till F Sonnemann
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Cited by
Investigating human geographic origins using dual-isotope (87Sr/86Sr, δ18O) assignment approaches
JE Laffoon, TF Sonnemann, T Shafie, CL Hofman, U Brandes, GR Davies
PloS one 12 (2), e0172562, 2017
Indigenous Caribbean perspectives: archaeologies and legacies of the first colonised region in the New World
CL Hofman, JU Hung, EH Malatesta, JS Jean, T Sonnemann, ...
antiquity 92 (361), 200-216, 2018
Mapping indigenous settlement topography in the Caribbean using drones
TF Sonnemann, J Ulloa Hung, CL Hofman
Remote Sensing 8 (10), 791, 2016
Sourcing nonnative mammal remains from Dos Mosquises Island, Venezuela: new multiple isotope evidence
JE Laffoon, TF Sonnemann, MM Antczak, A Antczak
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 10, 1265-1281, 2018
Reality-based 3D modeling of the Angkorian temples using aerial images
T Sonnemann, M Sauerbier, F Remondino, G Schrotter
The buried ‘towers’ of Angkor Wat
TF Sonnemann, D O'Reilly, C Rachna, R Fletcher, C Pottier
Antiquity 89 (348), 1420-1438, 2015
Angkor Underground-Applying GPR to analyse the diachronic structure of a great urban complex
TF Sonnemann
University of Sydney., 2011
Applying UAS photogrammetry to analyze spatial patterns of indigenous settlement sites in the northern Dominican Republic
TF Sonnemann, EH Malatesta, CL Hofman
Digital Methods and Remote Sensing in Archaeology: Archaeology in the Age of …, 2016
Semi-automatic detection of indigenous settlement features on Hispaniola through remote sensing data
TF Sonnemann, DC Comer, JL Patsolic, WP Megarry, ...
Geosciences 7 (4), 127, 2017
Exploraciones arqueológicas en la Fortaleza de Santo Tomás de Jánico: nuevos aportes a su comprensión histórica
J Ulloa Hung, TF Sonnemann
opus, 2017
Industries of Angkor Project: Preliminary investigation of iron production at Boeng Kroam, Preah Khan of Kompong Svay
M Hendrickson, TO Pryce, T Sonnemann, K Phon, Q Hua, S Chan
Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology 42, 32-42, 2018
Spatial configurations of water management at an early Angkorian capital–Combining GPR and TerraSAR‐X data to complement an archaeological map
TF Sonnemann
Archaeological Prospection 22 (2), 105-115, 2015
Complex landscape biographies: palimpsests of Fort-Liberté, Haiti
JS Jean, T Sonnemann, CL Hofman
Landscape Research 46 (5), 618-637, 2021
Non-destructive GPR analysis of threatened Angkorian ceramic kilns at Bangkong, Siem Reap, Cambodia
TF Sonnemann, R Chhay
Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology 34, 42-50, 2014
Classification of Geophysical Data of Angkor, Cambodia and its Potential as an Online Source
TF Sonnemann
Across Space and Time, 64, 2015
Discovery and interpretation of a buried temple in the Angkor Wat enclosure
TF Sonnemann, ML Tjoa-Bonatz, A Reinecke, D Bonatz
Connecting empires and states. Selected papers from the 13th International …, 2012
Neue Auswertung der Daten des Apollo Lunar Seismic Program zur Suche nach Tiefbeben auf der erdfernen Seite des Mondes
TF Sonnemann
Diplomarbeit, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Deutschland, 2005
Behind the Block: results from a geophysical study of the unexcavated area in the south-west of Ostia
M Locicero, T Sonnemann
Designating Place: archaeological perspectives on built environments in …, 2020
Searching for the Yellow Fleet: An archaeological and remote sensing investigation of the prison hulk wrecks Deborah and Sacramento
B Duncan, M Gibbs, TF Sonnemann
Journal of the Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology, The 37, 66-75, 2013
Archaeology of archaeology at Heloros: Re-interpreting the urban layout of a complex Greek settlement in Sicily using proximal sensing and data fusion
N Lercari, D Tanasi, T Sonnemann, S Hassam, D Calderone, P Trapani, ...
Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 33, e00327, 2024
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Articles 1–20