Fabian Knoch
Fabian Knoch
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Crosstalk of cardiomyocytes and fibroblasts in co-cultures
J Rother, C Richter, L Turco, F Knoch, I Mey, S Luther, A Janshoff, ...
Open biology 5 (6), 150038, 2015
Cycle representatives for the coarse-graining of systems driven into a non-equilibrium steady state
F Knoch, T Speck
New Journal of Physics 17 (11), 115004, 2015
Highly controlled optical transport of cold atoms into a hollow-core fiber
M Langbecker, R Wirtz, F Knoch, M Noaman, T Speck, P Windpassinger
New Journal of Physics 20 (8), 083038, 2018
Gold nanorods as plasmonic sensors for particle diffusion
V Wulf, F Knoch, T Speck, C Sönnichsen
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 7 (23), 4951-4955, 2016
Modeling self-organized spatio-temporal patterns of PIP3 and PTEN during spontaneous cell polarization
F Knoch, M Tarantola, E Bodenschatz, WJ Rappel
Physical biology 11 (4), 046002, 2014
Non-equilibrium Markov state modeling of periodically driven biomolecules
F Knoch, T Speck
The Journal of chemical physics 150 (5), 2019
Nonequilibrium Markov state modeling of the globule-stretch transition
F Knoch, T Speck
Physical Review E 95 (1), 012503, 2017
Steering the excited state dynamics of a photoactive yellow protein chromophore analogue with external electric fields
F Knoch, D Morozov, M Boggio-Pasqua, G Groenhof
Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1040, 120-125, 2014
Dynamic coarse-graining fills the gap between atomistic simulations and experimental investigations of mechanical unfolding
F Knoch, K Schäfer, G Diezemann, T Speck
The Journal of Chemical Physics 148 (4), 2018
Unfolding dynamics of small peptides biased by constant mechanical forces
F Knoch, T Speck
Molecular Systems Design & Engineering 3 (1), 204-213, 2018
Nonequilibrium Markov state modeling: theory and application
F Knoch
Dissertation, Mainz, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, 2017, 2017
Self-organized spatiotemporal patterns of PIP3 and PTEN during spontaneous cell polarization
F Knoch, M Tarantola, WJ Rappel, E Bodenschatz
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2014, S3. 001, 2014
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