Steffen Heider
Steffen Heider
Augsburg University Hospital
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Bettenkapazitätssteuerung in Zeiten der COVID-19-Pandemie: Eine simulationsbasierte Prognose der Normal-und Intensivstationsbetten anhand der deskriptiven Daten des …
C Römmele, T Neidel, J Heins, S Heider, V Otten, A Ebigbo, T Weber, ...
Der Anaesthesist 69 (10), 717, 2020
A scalable forecasting framework to predict COVID-19 hospital bed occupancy
J Heins, J Schoenfelder, S Heider, AR Heller, JO Brunner
INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics 52 (6), 508-523, 2022
Tactical scheduling of surgeries to level bed utilization in the intensive care unit
S Heider, J Schoenfelder, S McRae, T Koperna, JO Brunner
IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering 10 (4), 229-242, 2020
Balancing control and autonomy in master surgery scheduling: benefits of ICU quotas for recovery units
S Heider, J Schoenfelder, T Koperna, JO Brunner
Health Care Management Science 25 (2), 311-332, 2022
Applying operations research to scheduling work cells in a manufacturing environment
S Heider, J Heins, JJ Kanet
Interfaces 48 (6), 556-565, 2018
Designing the Hospital of the Future: A Framework to Guide Digital Innovation
CC Bartenschlager, S Heider, J Schiele, J Kunz, JO Brunner
Digital Medicine, 185-200, 2023
Leveling ICU bed occupancy using a quota system: An applied heuristic for operating theater managers
S Heider
International Conference on Operations Research, 216-222, 2021
Managing the patient portfolio using mathematical programming: decision support guidelines using a real-world use case at a university hospital
M Grieger, S Heider, S McRae, T Koperna, JO Brunner
Journal of Business Economics 94 (9), 1245-1260, 2024
Tactical surgery scheduling considering downstream units: effects of ICU quotas on the patient flow
S Heider
COVID-19-Pandemie: Regionale Steuerung der Patienten
K Polotzek, A Karch, J Karschau, M von Wagner, B Lünsmann, M Menk, ...
Dtsch Arztebl International. 118 (3), 2021
IT-Lösungen zur optimalen Ressourcenplanung und OP-Auslastung
S Heider, J Schiele, T Koperna, JO Brunner
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Articles 1–11