Ramses A. Wessel
Ramses A. Wessel
Professor of European Law
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Informal international lawmaking
J Pauwelyn, R Wessel, J Wouters
Oxford University Press, 2012
When structures become shackles: stagnation and dynamics in international lawmaking
J Pauwelyn, RA Wessel, J Wouters
European Journal of International Law 25 (3), 733-763, 2014
EU external relations law: text, cases and materials
B Van Vooren, RA Wessel
Cambridge University Press, 2014
The European Union's foreign and security policy: a legal institutional perspective
RA Wessel
BRILL, 2024
The European Union and crisis management: will the Lisbon Treaty make the EU more effective?
S Blockmans, RA Wessel
Journal of Conflict & Security Law 14 (2), 265-308, 2009
When caveats turn into locks: Opinion 2/13 on accession of the European Union to the ECHR
A Łazowski, RA Wessel
German Law Journal 16 (1), 179-212, 2015
The inside looking out: consistency and delimitation in EU external relations
RA Wessel
Common Market Law Review 37 (5), 2000
Competence distribution in EU external relations after Ecowas: Clarification or continued fuzziness?
C Hillion
Common market law review 46 (2), 2009
Conceptualising Multilevel Regulation in the EU: A Legal Translation of Multilevel Governance?
N Chowdhury, RA Wessel
European law journal 18 (3), 335-357, 2012
The non-ratification of mixed agreements: legal consequences and solutions
RA Wessel, G Van der Loo
Common Market Law Review 54 (3), 2017
International law as law of the European Union
E Cannizzaro, P Palchetti, RA Wessel
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2011
Between Autonomy and Dependence: The EU Legal Order Under the Influence of International Organisations—An Introduction
RA Wessel, S Blockmans
Between autonomy and dependence: The EU legal order under the influence of …, 2013
The phenomenon of multilevel regulation: interactions between global, EU and national regulatory spheres
RA Wessel, J Wouters
International organizations law review 4 (2), 259-291, 2007
Good governance and the European Union: reflections on concepts, institutions and substance
D Curtin, RA Wessel
Intersentia nv, 2005
When Structures Become Shackles: Stagnation and Dynamics in International Lawmaking’(2014)
J Pauwelyn, RA Wessel, J Wouters
European Journal of International Law 25, 733, 0
The international legal status of the European Union
RA Wessel
Eur. Foreign Aff. Rev. 2, 109, 1997
Revisiting the international legal status of the EU
RA Wessel
European Foreign Affairs Review 5 (4), 2000
The position of the European Union in (other) international organizations: confronting legal and political approaches
KE Jørgensen, RA Wessel
European Foreign Policy, 2011
Multilevel regulation and the EU: the interplay between global, European, and national normative processes
A Føllesdal, RA Wessel, J Wouters
Brill, 2008
The legal framework for the participation of the European Union in international institutions
RA Wessel
The performance of the EU in international institutions, 23-37, 2013
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