Philipp Hungerländer
Philipp Hungerländer
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A computational study and survey of methods for the single-row facility layout problem
P Hungerländer, F Rendl
Computational Optimization and Applications 55, 1-20, 2013
Single-row equidistant facility layout as a special case of single-row facility layout
P Hungerlaender
International Journal of Production Research 52 (5), 1257-1268, 2014
A Semidefinite Optimization Approach to Free-Space Multi-Row Facility Layout
P Hungerlaender, MF Anjos
Les Cahiers du GERAD. Retrieved from http://www. gerad. ca/fichiers/cahiers …, 0
A semidefinite optimization-based approach for global optimization of multi-row facility layout
P Hungerländer, MF Anjos
European journal of operational Research 245 (1), 46-61, 2015
Semidefinite relaxations of ordering problems
P Hungerländer, F Rendl
Mathematical Programming 140 (1), 77-97, 2013
SARS-CoV-2 testing in patients with cancer treated at a tertiary care hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic
AS Berghoff, M Gansterer, AC Bathke, W Trutschnig, P Hungerlaender, ...
Journal of Clinical Oncology 38 (30), 3547-3554, 2020
Optimal allocation of defibrillator drones in mountainous regions
C Wankmüller, C Truden, C Korzen, P Hungerländer, E Kolesnik, ...
OR Spectrum 42, 785-814, 2020
An SDP approach to multi-level crossing minimization
M Chimani, P Hungerländer, M Jünger, P Mutzel
Journal of Experimental Algorithmics (JEA) 17, 3.1-3.26, 2012
New exact approaches to row layout problems
A Fischer, F Fischer, P Hungerländer
Mathematical Programming Computation 11 (4), 703-754, 2019
Single-Row Equidistant Facility Layout as a Special Case of Single-Row Facility Layout. Retrieved from www. optimization-online. org
P Hungerlaender
DB_HTML/2012/04/3432. html, 0
A Bayesian approach for predicting food and beverage sales in staff canteens and restaurants
K Posch, C Truden, P Hungerländer, J Pilz
International Journal of Forecasting 38 (1), 321-338, 2022
Improved exact approaches for row layout problems with departments of equal length
MF Anjos, A Fischer, P Hungerländer
European Journal of Operational Research 270 (2), 514-529, 2018
A feasible active set method for strictly convex quadratic problems with simple bounds
P Hungerlander, F Rendl
SIAM Journal on Optimization 25 (3), 1633-1659, 2015
Solving a real-world locomotive scheduling problem with maintenance constraints
S Frisch, P Hungerländer, A Jellen, B Primas, S Steininger, D Weinberger
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 150, 386-409, 2021
Efficient and easy-to-implement mixed-integer linear programs for the traveling salesperson problem with time windows
P Hungerländer, C Truden
Transportation research procedia 30, 157-166, 2018
A semidefinite optimization approach to space-free multi-row facility layout
P Hungerländer
Groupe d’études et de recherche en analyse des décisions, 2012
On the slot optimization problem in on-line vehicle routing
P Hungerländer, A Rendl, C Truden
Transportation Research Procedia 27, 492-499, 2017
An optimization approach to the ordering phase of an attended home delivery service
G Cwioro, P Hungerländer, K Maier, J Pöcher, C Truden
Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and …, 2019
The traveling salesman problem on grids with forbidden neighborhoods
A Fischer, P Hungerländer
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 34, 891-915, 2017
Solving an on-line capacitated vehicle routing problem with structured time windows
P Hungerländer, K Maier, J Pöcher, A Rendl, C Truden
Operations Research Proceedings 2016: Selected Papers of the Annual …, 2018
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