Christian Zimmermann
Christian Zimmermann
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Learning to estimate 3d hand pose from single rgb images
C Zimmermann, T Brox
Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision, 4903-4911, 2017
Freihand: A dataset for markerless capture of hand pose and shape from single rgb images
C Zimmermann, D Ceylan, J Yang, B Russell, M Argus, T Brox
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision, 813-822, 2019
3d human pose estimation in rgbd images for robotic task learning
C Zimmermann, T Welschehold, C Dornhege, W Burgard, T Brox
2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 1986-1992, 2018
Contrastive representation learning for hand shape estimation
C Zimmermann, M Argus, T Brox
DAGM German Conference on Pattern Recognition, 250-264, 2021
FreiPose: a deep learning framework for precise animal motion capture in 3D spaces
C Zimmermann, A Schneider, M Alyahyay, T Brox, I Diester
BioRxiv, 2020.02. 27.967620, 2020
3D pose estimation enables virtual head fixation in freely moving rats
A Schneider, C Zimmermann, M Alyahyay, F Steenbergen, T Brox, ...
Neuron 110 (13), 2080-2093. e10, 2022
Simulationsgestützte Optimierung einer Computational-Kamera zur dichten Tiefenschätzung
T Nürnberg, C Zimmermann, F Puente León
tm-Technisches Messen 83 (9), 511-520, 2016
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