Dimitris Bolis
Dimitris Bolis
Italian Institute of Technology
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Beyond autism: Introducing the dialectical misattunement hypothesis and a Bayesian account of intersubjectivity
D Bolis, J Balsters, N Wenderoth, C Becchio, L Schilbach
Psychopathology 50 (6), 355-372, 2017
Observing and participating in social interactions: Action perception and action control across the autistic spectrum
D Bolis, L Schilbach
Developmental cognitive neuroscience 29, 168-175, 2018
‘I interact therefore I am’: the self as a historical product of dialectical attunement
D Bolis, L Schilbach
Topoi 39, 521-534, 2020
Disrupted prediction errors index social deficits in autism spectrum disorder
JH Balsters, MAJ Apps, D Bolis, R Lehner, L Gallagher, N Wenderoth
Brain 140 (1), 235-246, 2017
Beyond one Bayesian brain: Modeling intra-and inter-personal processes during social interaction: Commentary on “Mentalizing homeostasis: The social origins of interoceptive …
D Bolis, L Schilbach
Neuropsychoanalysis 19 (1), 35-38, 2017
Interpersonal similarity of autistic traits predicts friendship quality
D Bolis, JM Lahnakoski, D Seidel, J Tamm, L Schilbach
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 16 (1-2), 222-231, 2021
Aberrant computational mechanisms of social learning and decision-making in schizophrenia and borderline personality disorder
L Henco, AO Diaconescu, JM Lahnakoski, ML Brandi, S Hörmann, ...
PLoS computational biology 16 (9), e1008162, 2020
Beyond single‐mindedness: A figure‐ground reversal for the cognitive sciences
M Dingemanse, A Liesenfeld, M Rasenberg, S Albert, FK Ameka, ...
Cognitive Science 47 (1), e13230, 2023
Interpersonal attunement in social interactions: from collective psychophysiology to inter-personalized psychiatry and beyond
D Bolis, G Dumas, L Schilbach
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 378 (1870), 20210365, 2023
Improving subspace learning for facial expression recognition using person dependent and geometrically enriched training sets
A Maronidis, D Bolis, A Tefas, I Pitas
Neural Networks 24 (8), 814-823, 2011
The interactive self–a review on simulating social interactions to understand the mechanisms of social agency
ML Brandi, D Kaifel, D Bolis, L Schilbach
i-com 18 (1), 17-31, 2019
An active-inference approach to second-person neuroscience
K Lehmann, D Bolis, KJ Friston, L Schilbach, MJD Ramstead, P Kanske
Perspectives on Psychological Science, 17456916231188000, 2023
The social roots of self development: from a bodily to an intellectual interpersonal dialogue
C Fini, L Bardi, D Bolis, M Fusaro, MP Lisi, AH Michalland, V Era
Psychological Research 87 (6), 1683-1695, 2023
‘Through others we become ourselves’: The dialectics of predictive coding and active inference
D Bolis, L Schilbach
PsyArXiv, 2019
Improving the robustness of subspace learning techniques for facial expression recognition
D Bolis, A Maronidis, A Tefas, I Pitas
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, 470-479, 2010
Noesis: an enhanced educational environment for kids with autism spectrum disorders
J Vittorias, P Petrantonakis, D Bolis, A Tsiligkyri, V Kosmidou, ...
2008 Eighth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2008
'I interact therefore I am': Human becoming in and through social interaction
D Bolis
LMU Munich; Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, 2020
Inferring cognitive traits of individual subjects through gaze controlled video games
D Bolis, J Heinzle, C Mathys, KE Stephan
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2015
Trust in social interaction: from dyads to civilizations
L Christov-Moore, D Bolis, J Kaplan, L Schilbach, M Iacoboni
Social and affective neuroscience of everyday human interaction: from theory …, 2022
Revisiting psychological definitions at the interface of sociocultural historical theories and predictive coding
D Bolis, C Becchio, L Schilbach
Worlding the BRAIN: Patterns, Rhythms, Narratives in Neuroscience and the …, 2016
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