Christian Lins
Christian Lins
Professor, HAW Hamburg
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Designing a New Puzzle App to Target Dyslexia Screening in Pre-Readers
M Rauschenberger, C Lins, N Rousselle, A Hein, S Fudickar
Proceedings of the 5th EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and …, 2019
OWAS inter-rater reliability
C Lins, S Fudickar, A Hein
Applied Ergonomics 93 (4), 2021
TutAR: augmented reality tutorials for hands-only procedures
D Eckhoff, C Sandor, C Lins, U Eck, D Kalkofen, A Hein
Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual …, 2018
TutAR: Semi-Automatic Generation of Augmented Reality Tutorials for Medical Education
D Eckhoff, C Sandor, D Kalkofen, U Eck, C Lins, A Hein
2018 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct …, 2018
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation quality parameters from motion capture data using Differential Evolution fitting of sinusoids
C Lins, D Eckhoff, A Klausen, S Hellmers, A Hein, S Fudickar
Applied Soft Computing, 300-309, 2019
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Quality Parameters from Inertial Sensor Data using Differential Evolution Fitting of Sinusoids
C Lins, A Klausen, S Hellmers, D Eckhoff, A Hein, S Fudickar
arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.07692, 2018
A Wearable Vibrotactile Interface for Unfavorable Posture Awareness Warning
C Lins, S Fudickar, A Gerka, A Hein
4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies …, 2018
Enhancing Safety of Artificially Ventilated Patients using Ambient Process Analysis
C Lins, A Gerka, C Lüpkes, R Röhrig, A Hein
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 316-320, 2018
Determining Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Parameters with Differential Evolution Optimization of Sinusoidal Curves
C Lins, A Klausen, S Fudickar, S Hellmers, M Lipprandt, R Röhrig, A Hein
Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Health (AI4Health) 2018, 2018
Validation of a Motion Capture Suit for Clinical Gait Analysis
S Hellmers, S Fudickar, E Lange, C Lins, A Hein
11th EAI Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare …, 2017
Still in Flow-Long-term Usage of an Activity Motivating App for Seniors
C Lins, A Hein, L Halder, P Gronotte
2016 IEEE 18th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications …, 2016
SIRKA: Sensoranzug zur individuellen Rückmeldung körperlicher Aktivität
C Lins, M Eichelberg, L Rölker-Denker, A Hein
55. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung 2015 der Deutsche Gesellschaft für …, 2015
An evolutionary approach to continuously estimate CPR quality parameters from a wrist-worn inertial sensor
C Lins, B Friedrich, A Hein, S Fudickar
Health and Technology 12 (1), 161-173, 2022
Detecting the Number of Persons in the Bed Area to Enhance the Safety of Artificially Ventilated Persons
A Gerka, M Pfingsthorn, C Lüpkes, K Sparenberg, M Frenken, C Lins, ...
2018 IEEE 20th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications …, 2018
Unsupervised Temporal Segmentation of Skeletal Motion Data using Joint Distance Representation
C Lins, SM Müller, M Pfingsthorn, M Eichelberg, A Hein
11th International Conference on Health Informatics (Healthinf 2018), 2018
Robust mosquito species identification from diverse body and wing images using deep learning
K Nolte, FG Sauer, J Baumbach, P Kollmannsberger, C Lins, R Lühken
Parasites & Vectors 17 (1), 372, 2024
Classification of body postures using smart workwear
C Lins, A Hein
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 23 (921), 2022
A Clustering-based Approach to Determine a Standardized Statistic for Daily Activities of Elderly Living Alone
A Gerka, M Lins, Christian, Pfingsthorn, M Eichelberg, ...
12th International Conference on Health Informatics (HealthInf), 2019
Privacy by Design for Integrated Case and Care Management: Receiver-Oriented Encryption in STROKE OWL.
T Michelsen, C Lins, S Gudenkauf, A Hein, C Lüpkes
Studies in health technology and informatics 258, 110-114, 2019
Mobile Applications for Self-management of Chronic Diseases: A Systematic Review.
B Stahr, SJF Fudickar, C Lins
HEALTHINF, 542-548, 2022
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