Yau Wei Yun
Yau Wei Yun
Institute for Infocomm Research
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Fingerprint minutiae matching based on the local and global structures
X Jiang, WY Yau
Proceedings 15th international conference on pattern recognition. ICPR-2000 …, 2000
A perspective on medical infrared imaging
LJ Jiang, EYK Ng, ACB Yeo, S Wu, F Pan, WY Yau, JH Chen, Y Yang
Journal of medical engineering & technology 29 (6), 257-267, 2005
Structured autoencoders for subspace clustering
X Peng, J Feng, S Xiao, WY Yau, JT Zhou, S Yang
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 27 (10), 5076-5086, 2018
Person recognition by fusing palmprint and palm vein images based on “Laplacianpalm” representation
JG Wang, WY Yau, A Suwandy, E Sung
Pattern recognition 41 (5), 1514-1527, 2008
Deep subspace clustering with sparsity prior.
X Peng, S Xiao, J Feng, WY Yau, Z Yi
Ijcai, 1925-1931, 2016
Fingerprint quality and validity analysis
E Lim, X Jiang, W Yau
Proceedings. International conference on image processing 1, I-I, 2002
Detecting the fingerprint minutiae by adaptive tracing the gray-level ridge
X Jiang, WY Yau, W Ser
Pattern recognition 34 (5), 999-1013, 2001
Robust representation and recognition of facial emotions using extreme sparse learning
S Shojaeilangari, WY Yau, K Nandakumar, J Li, EK Teoh
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 24 (7), 2140-2152, 2015
Exploiting global and local decisions for multimodal biometrics verification
KA Toh, X Jiang, WY Yau
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 52 (10), 3059-3072, 2004
Fingerprint image quality analysis
TP Chen, X Jiang, WY Yau
2004 International Conference on Image Processing, 2004. ICIP'04. 2, 1253-1256, 2004
Boosting dense SIFT descriptors and shape contexts of face images for gender recognition
JG Wang, J Li, WY Yau, E Sung
2010 IEEE computer society conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2010
Combining singular points and orientation image information for fingerprint classification
J Li, WY Yau, H Wang
Pattern Recognition 41 (1), 353-366, 2008
Human action recognition with video data: research and evaluation challenges
M Ramanathan, WY Yau, EK Teoh
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 44 (5), 650-663, 2014
An automatic drowning detection surveillance system for challenging outdoor pool environments
Eng, Toh, Kam, Wang, Yau
Proceedings ninth IEEE international conference on computer vision, 532-539 …, 2003
Constrained nonlinear models of fingerprint orientations with prediction
J Li, WY Yau, H Wang
Pattern Recognition 39 (1), 102-114, 2006
Multichannel pulse-coupled-neural-network-based color image segmentation for object detection
H Zhuang, KS Low, WY Yau
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 59 (8), 3299-3308, 2011
DEWS: A live visual surveillance system for early drowning detection at pool
HL Eng, KA Toh, WY Yau, J Wang
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 18 (2), 196-210, 2008
Model-guided deformable hand shape recognition without positioning aids
W Xiong, KA Toh, WY Yau, X Jiang
Pattern recognition 38 (10), 1651-1664, 2005
Distributed processing in authentication
TP Chen, WY Yau
US Patent 8,406,478, 2013
Combination of hyperbolic functions for multimodal biometrics data fusion
KA Toh, WY Yau
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 34 …, 2004
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