Pere-Pau Vázquez
Pere-Pau Vázquez
Associate Professor (UPC)
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Viewpoint selection using viewpoint entropy.
PP Vázquez, M Feixas, M Sbert, W Heidrich
VMV 1, 273-280, 2001
Monte carlo convolution for learning on non-uniformly sampled point clouds
P Hermosilla, T Ritschel, PP Vázquez, À Vinacua, T Ropinski
ACM Transactions On Graphics (TOG) 37 (6), 1-12, 2018
Automatic view selection using viewpoint entropy and its application to image‐based modelling
PP Vázquez, M Feixas, M Sbert, W Heidrich
Computer Graphics Forum 22 (4), 689-700, 2003
A unified approach to prefiltered environment maps
J Kautz, PP Vázquez, W Heidrich, HP Seidel
Rendering Techniques 2000: Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop in Brno …, 2000
Way‐finder: Guided tours through complex walkthrough models
C Andújar, P Vázquez, M Fairén
Computer Graphics Forum 23 (3), 499-508, 2004
Intrinsic-extrinsic convolution and pooling for learning on 3d protein structures
P Hermosilla, M Schäfer, M Lang, G Fackelmann, PP Vázquez, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.06252, 2020
Viewpoint entropy: a new tool for obtaining good views of molecules
PP Vázquez, M Feixas Feixas, M Sbert, A Llobet Dalmases
© Eurographics Workshops and Symposia/Eurovis: Eurographics Conference on …, 2002
Omni‐directional relief impostors
C Andújar, J Boo, P Brunet, M Fairén, I Navazo, P Vazquez, A Vinacua
Computer Graphics Forum 26 (3), 553-560, 2007
Real-time ambient occlusion and halos with summed area tables
J Díaz, PP Vazquez, I Navazo, F Duguet
Computers & Graphics 34 (4), 337-350, 2010
Depth-enhanced maximum intensity projection
J Díaz Iriberri, PP Vázquez Alcocer
8th IEEE/EG International Symposium on Volume Graphics, 93-100, 2010
The virtual magic lantern: an interaction metaphor for enhanced medical data inspection
E Monclús, J Díaz, I Navazo, PP Vázquez
Proceedings of the 16th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and …, 2009
Automatic view selection through depth-based view stability analysis
PP Vázquez
The Visual Computer 25 (5), 441-449, 2009
Realtime automatic selection of good molecular views
PP Vázquez, M Feixas, M Sbert, A Llobet
Computers & Graphics 30 (1), 98-110, 2006
On the selection of good views and its application to computer graphics
PP Vázquez
State of the art of molecular visualization in immersive virtual environments
D Kuťák, P Vázquez, T Isenberg, M Krone, M Baaden, J Byška, ...
Computer Graphics Forum 42 (6), e14738, 2023
Using normalized compression distance for image similarity measurement: an experimental study
PP Vázquez, J Marco
The Visual Computer 28 (11), 1063-1084, 2012
Perception-based illumination information measurement and light source placement
PP Vázquez, M Sbert
International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, 306-316, 2003
Automatic indoor scene exploration
PP Vázquez, M Sbert
Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Computer Graphics and …, 2003
Visualization of large molecular trajectories
D Duran, P Hermosilla, T Ropinski, B Kozlikova, A Vinacua, PP Vázquez
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 25 (1), 987-996, 2018
Interactive gpu-based generation of solvent-excluded surfaces
P Hermosilla, M Krone, V Guallar, PP Vázquez, À Vinacua, T Ropinski
The Visual Computer 33, 869-881, 2017
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