Julian Runge
Julian Runge
Assistant Professor, Northwestern University
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Churn prediction for high-value players in casual social games
J Runge, P Gao, F Garcin, B Faltings
2014 IEEE conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, 1-8, 2014
Predicting purchase decisions in mobile free-to-play games
R Sifa, F Hadiji, J Runge, A Drachen, K Kersting, C Bauckhage
proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence and …, 2015
Rapid prediction of player retention in free-to-play mobile games
A Drachen, E Lundquist, Y Kung, P Rao, R Sifa, J Runge, D Klabjan
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and …, 2016
To be or not to be... social: Incorporating simple social features in mobile game customer lifetime value predictions
A Drachen, M Pastor, A Liu, DJ Fontaine, Y Chang, J Runge, R Sifa, ...
Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Science Week Multiconference, 1-10, 2018
Customer lifetime value prediction in non-contractual freemium settings: Chasing high-value users using deep neural networks and SMOTE
R Sifa, J Runge, C Bauckhage, D Klapper
Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS), 2018
Hidden markov models for churn prediction
P Rothenbuehler, J Runge, F Garcin, B Faltings
2015 SAI Intelligent Systems Conference (Intellisys), 723-730, 2015
Privacy-centric digital advertising: implications for research
G Johnson, J Runge, E Seufert
Customer Needs and Solutions 9 (1), 49-54, 2022
Price promotions and “freemium” app monetization
J Runge, HS Nair, J Levav
Quantitative Marketing and Economics 20, 101-139, 2022
Stylized facts for mobile game analytics
A Drachen, N Ross, J Runge, R Sifa
2016 IEEE conference on computational intelligence and games (CIG), 1-8, 2016
Freemium pricing: Evidence from a large-scale field experiment
J Runge, S Wagner, J Claussen, D Klapper
Humboldt University Berlin, School of Business and Economics, Institute of …, 2016
Play with me? understanding and measuring the social aspect of casual gaming
A Alsén, J Runge, A Drachen, D Klapper
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and …, 2016
“Dark patterns” in online services: a motivating study and agenda for future research
J Runge, D Wentzel, JY Huh, A Chaney
Marketing Letters 34 (1), 155-160, 2023
Experimentation and performance in advertising: An observational survey of firm practices on Facebook
J Runge, S Geinitz, S Ejdemyr
Expert Systems with Applications 158, 113554, 2020
Personalized game design for improved user retention and monetization in freemium games
E Ascarza, O Netzer, J Runge
International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2025
Algorithmic assortative matching on a digital social medium
K López Vargas, J Runge, R Zhang
Information Systems Research 33 (4), 1138-1156, 2022
Apple Is Changing How Digital Ads Work. Are Advertisers Prepared?
J Runge, E Seufert
Harvard Business Review, 2021
It’s time to close the experimentation gap in advertising: Confronting myths surrounding ad testing
C Campbell, J Runge, K Bates, S Haefele, N Jayaraman
Business Horizons 65 (4), 437-446, 2022
The role of randomized control trials in online demand generation: Exploratory evidence from Facebook
J Runge, H Nair
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 2021
NOTHING IS FREE: Data-driven optimisation unlocks freemium business models' real potential
S Wagner, J Runge
A New Gold Standard for Digital Ad Measurement?
J Runge, H Patter, I Skokan
Harvard Business Review, 2023
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Articles 1–20