Tobias Richter
Tobias Richter
Professor of Psychology, University of Würzburg, Germany
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Persuasive effects of fictional narratives increase over time
M Appel, T Richter
Media Psychology 10 (1), 113-134, 2007
Transportation and need for affect in narrative persuasion: A mediated moderation model
M Appel, T Richter
Media psychology 13 (2), 101-135, 2010
The transportation scale–short form (TS–SF)
M Appel, T Gnambs, T Richter, MC Green
Media psychology 18 (2), 243-266, 2015
Lesekompetenz: Prozessebenen und interindividuelle Unterschiede
T Richter, U Christmann
Lesekompetenz: Bedingungen, Dimensionen, Funktionen 1 (1), 25-49, 2002
Förderung von Lesekompetenz
C Artelt, N McElvany, U Christmann, T Richter, N Groeben, J Köster, ...
BMBF, Referat Publ., Internetred., 2005
You don't have to believe everything you read: background knowledge permits fast and efficient validation of information.
T Richter, S Schroeder, B Wöhrmann
Journal of personality and social psychology 96 (3), 538, 2009
Scientific literacy: The role of goal-directed reading and evaluation in understanding scientific information
MA Britt, T Richter, JF Rouet
Educational Psychologist 49 (2), 104-122, 2014
Comprehension of multiple documents with conflicting information: A two-step model of validation
T Richter, J Maier
Educational psychologist 52 (3), 148-166, 2017
Similarity matters: A meta-analysis of interleaved learning and its moderators.
M Brunmair, T Richter
Psychological bulletin 145 (11), 1029, 2019
What is wrong with ANOVA and multiple regression? Analyzing sentence reading times with hierarchical linear models
T Richter
Discourse Processes 41 (3), 221-250, 2006
Text belief consistency effects in the comprehension of multiple texts with conflicting information
J Maier, T Richter
Cognition and Instruction 31 (2), 151-175, 2013
Diagnostische Fähigkeiten von Lehrkräften
N McElvany, S Schroeder, A Hachfeld, J Baumert, T Richter, W Schnotz, ...
Zeitschrift für pädagogische Psychologie 23 (3), 223-235, 2009
Epistemological beliefs and epistemic strategies in self-regulated learning
T Richter, S Schmid
Metacognition and Learning 5, 47-65, 2010
Das Inventar zur Computerbildung (INCOBI): Ein Instrument zur Erfassung von Computer Literacy und computerbezogenen Einstellungen bei Studierenden der Geistes-und …
T Richter, J Naumann, N Groeben
Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht 48 (1), 1-13, 2001
Eine revidierte Fassung des Inventars zur Computerbildung (INCOBI-R)
T Richter, J Naumann, H Horz
Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie 24 (1), 23-37, 2010
Working memory capacity and reading skill moderate the effectiveness of strategy training in learning from hypertext
J Naumann, T Richter, U Christmann, N Groeben
Learning and Individual Differences 18 (2), 197-213, 2008
How reliable are students’ evaluations of teaching quality? A variance components approach
D Feistauer, T Richter
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 42 (8), 1263-1279, 2017
Lexical quality and reading comprehension in primary school children
T Richter, MB Isberner, J Naumann, Y Neeb
Scientific Studies of Reading 17 (6), 415-434, 2013
Validation and comprehension of text information: Two sides of the same coin
T Richter
Discourse Processes 52 (5-6), 337-355, 2015
Recognition is used as one cue among others in judgment and decision making.
T Richter, P Späth
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 32 (1), 150, 2006
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Articles 1–20