Sebastian Schnieder
Sebastian Schnieder
Professsor HMKW, Visiting Professor University of Wuppertal, Germany
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A review of depression and suicide risk assessment using speech analysis
N Cummins, S Scherer, J Krajewski, S Schnieder, J Epps, TF Quatieri
Speech communication 71, 10-49, 2015
Avec 2013: the continuous audio/visual emotion and depression recognition challenge
M Valstar, B Schuller, K Smith, F Eyben, B Jiang, S Bilakhia, S Schnieder, ...
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM international workshop on Audio/visual emotion …, 2013
The interspeech 2017 computational paralinguistics challenge: Addressee, cold & snoring
B Schuller, S Steidl, A Batliner, E Bergelson, J Krajewski, C Janott, ...
Computational Paralinguistics Challenge (ComParE), Interspeech 2017, 3442-3446, 2017
The interspeech 2019 computational paralinguistics challenge: Styrian dialects, continuous sleepiness, baby sounds & orca activity
B Schuller, A Batliner, C Bergler, FB Pokorny, J Krajewski, M Cychosz, ...
Analysis of acoustic space variability in speech affected by depression
N Cummins, V Sethu, J Epps, S Schnieder, J Krajewski
Speech Communication 75, 27-49, 2015
Automatic modelling of depressed speech: relevant features and relevance of gender
F Hönig, A Batliner, E Nöth, S Schnieder, J Krajewski
Applying multiple classifiers and non-linear dynamics features for detecting sleepiness from speech
J Krajewski, S Schnieder, D Sommer, A Batliner, B Schuller
Neurocomputing 84, 65-75, 2012
Detecting fatigue from steering behaviour applying continuous wavelet transform
J Krajewski, M Golz, S Schnieder, T Schnupp, C Heinze, D Sommer
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in …, 2010
Acoustic-prosodic characteristics of sleepy speech–between performance and interpretation
F Hönig, A Batliner, E Nöth, S Schnieder, J Krajewski
An evaluation of the effect of anxiety on speech-computational prediction of anxiety from sustained vowels
A Baird, N Cummins, S Schnieder, J Krajewski, B Schuller
Wege aus der müden (Arbeits-) Gesellschaft: Erklärungsmodelle, Messansätze und Gegenmaßnahmen
J Krajewski, I Mühlenbrock, S Schnieder, K Seiler
Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft 65 (2), 97-115, 2011
Are men more sleepy than women or does it only look like—Automatic analysis of sleepy speech
F Honig, A Batliner, T Booklet, G Stemmer, E Nöth, S Schnieder, ...
2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2014
Evaluation of the Pain Level from Speech: Introducing a Novel Pain Database and Benchmarks
Z Ren, N Cummins, J Han, S Schnieder, J Krajewski, B Schuller
I did it my way–wie sich Erholungskompetenz messen lässt
J Krajewski, K Seiler, S Schnieder
Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell 4, 13-16, 2013
Sustainable Reduction of Sleepiness through Salutogenic Self‐Care Procedure in Lunch Breaks: A Pilot Study
S Schnieder, S Stappert, M Takahashi, GL Fricchione, T Esch, J Krajewski
Evidence‐Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2013 (1), 387356, 2013
Description of the upper respiratory tract infection corpus (urtic)
J Krajewski, S Schieder, A Batliner
Comparison of in-car touchpads with adaptive haptic feedback
A Blattner, K Bengler, W Hamberger, S Schnieder
2012 IEEE International Workshop on Haptic Audio Visual Environments and …, 2012
Virtual reality roleplays for patients with depression: A user experience evaluation
S Holsteg, JM Askeridis, J Krajewski, P Mildner, S Freitag, T Müller, ...
Internet Interventions 35, 100713, 2024
Large Sleepy Reading Corpus (LSRC): Applying Read Speech for Detecting Sleepiness
J Krajewski, S Schnieder, C Monschau, R Titt, D Sommer, M Golz
Speech Communication; 12. ITG Symposium, 1-4, 2016
Just valid or even accurate? Determine the measurement accuracy of the pupillographic sleepiness test by applying self and observer ratings
S Schnieder, J Krajewski, T Esch, B Baluch, B Wilhelm
Somnologie-Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin 16, 106-117, 2012
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Articles 1–20