Klaus Neumann
Klaus Neumann
Bielefeld University / Fraunhofer IOSB-INA
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Learning robot motions with stable dynamical systems under diffeomorphic transformations
K Neumann, JJ Steil
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 70, 1-15, 2015
Neural learning of stable dynamical systems based on data-driven Lyapunov candidates
K Neumann, A Lemme, JJ Steil
2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2013
Optimizing extreme learning machines via ridge regression and batch intrinsic plasticity
K Neumann, JJ Steil
Neurocomputing 102, 23-30, 2013
Neural learning of vector fields for encoding stable dynamical systems
A Lemme, K Neumann, RF Reinhart, JJ Steil
Neurocomputing 141, 3-14, 2014
Reliable integration of continuous constraints into extreme learning machines
K Neumann, M Rolf, JJ Steil
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems …, 2013
Neurally imprinted stable vector fields.
A Lemme, K Neumann, RF Reinhart, JJ Steil
ESANN, 2013
A multi-level control architecture for the bionic handling assistant
M Rolf, K Neumann, JF Queißer, RF Reinhart, A Nordmann, JJ Steil
Advanced Robotics 29 (13), 847-859, 2015
An active compliant control mode for interaction with a pneumatic soft robot
JF Queißer, K Neumann, M Rolf, RF Reinhart, JJ Steil
2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2014
Batch intrinsic plasticity for extreme learning machines
K Neumann, JJ Steil
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning–ICANN 2011: 21st …, 2011
Data-driven modeling of the ultrasonic softening effect for robust copper wire bonding
A Unger, W Sextro, S Althoff, T Meyer, K Neumann, RF Reinhart, ...
CIPS 2014; 8th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics …, 2014
Regularization by intrinsic plasticity and its synergies with recurrence for random projection methods
K Neumann, C Emmerich, JJ Steil
Journal of Intelligent Learning Systems and Applications 4 (03), 230-246, 2012
Learning inverse kinematics for pose-constraint bi-manual movements
K Neumann, M Rolf, JJ Steil, M Gienger
From Animals to Animats 11: 11th International Conference on Simulation of …, 2010
Reliability of Extreme Learning Machines
K Neumann
Intrinsic Plasticity via Natural Gradient Decent
K Neumann, JJ Steil
20th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational …, 2012
Maschinelles lernen in technischen systemen
F Reinhart, K Neumann, W Aswolinskiy, J Steil, B Hammer
Steigerung der Intelligenz mechatronischer Systeme, 73-118, 2018
Intrinsic plasticity via natural gradient descent with application to drift compensation
K Neumann, C Strub, JJ Steil
Neurocomputing 112, 26-33, 2013
Precision-Focused Reinforcement Learning Model for Robotic Object Pushing
L Bergmann, D Leins, R Haschke, K Neumann
arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.08622, 2024
Building Neural Representations for Flexible Tool-Use
K Neumann, JJ Steil
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Articles 1–18