Florencia Sortheix
Florencia Sortheix
Postdoctoral Researcher University of Helsinki
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Values that underlie and undermine well–being: Variability across countries
FM Sortheix, SH Schwartz
European journal of personality 31 (2), 187-201, 2017
Values and subjective well-being
SH Schwartz, F Sortheix
Handbook of well-being, 2018
Personal value priorities and life satisfaction in Europe: The moderating role of socioeconomic development
FM Sortheix, JE Lönnqvist
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 45 (2), 282-299, 2014
Changes in young Europeans’ values during the global financial crisis
FM Sortheix, PD Parker, CM Lechner, SH Schwartz
Social Psychological and Personality Science 10 (1), 15-25, 2019
Work values and the transition to work life: A longitudinal study
FM Sortheix, A Chow, K Salmela-Aro
Journal of Vocational Behavior 89, 162-171, 2015
Person‐group value congruence and subjective well‐being in students from Argentina, Bulgaria and Finland: The role of interpersonal relationships
FM Sortheix, JE Lönnqvist
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 25 (1), 34-48, 2015
The role of career values for work engagement during the transition to working life
FM Sortheix, J Dietrich, A Chow, K Salmela-Aro
Journal of Vocational Behavior 83 (3), 466-475, 2013
What drives future business leaders? How work values and gender shape young adults' entrepreneurial and leadership aspirations
CM Lechner, FM Sortheix, M Obschonka, K Salmela-Aro
Journal of Vocational Behavior 107, 57-70, 2018
The development of work values during the transition to adulthood: A two-country study
CM Lechner, FM Sortheix, R Göllner, K Salmela-Aro
Journal of Vocational Behavior 99, 52-65, 2017
Cultural value orientations and work–family conflict: The mediating role of work and family demands
AD Masuda, FM Sortheix, B Beham, LJ Naidoo
Journal of Vocational Behavior 112, 294-310, 2019
Gendered pathways toward STEM careers: The incremental roles of work value profiles above academic task values
J Guo, JS Eccles, FM Sortheix, K Salmela-Aro
Frontiers in Psychology 9, 1111, 2018
Work-family values, priority goals and life satisfaction: A seven year follow-up of MBA students
AD Masuda, FM Sortheix
Journal of Happiness Studies 13, 1131-1144, 2012
Explaining illness with evil: pathogen prevalence fosters moral vitalism
B Bastian, CM Vauclair, S Loughnan, P Bain, A Ashokkumar, M Becker, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1914), 20191576, 2019
Polarization in the wake of the European refugee crisis: a longitudinal study of the Finnish political elite’s attitudes towards refugees and the environment
JEM Lönnqvist, VJ Ilmarinen, FM Sortheix
Journal of Social and Political Psychology. 2020; 8 (1): 173-97, 2020
Values, life events, and health: A study in a Finnish rural community
FM Sortheix, A Olakivi, K Helkama
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 23 (4), 331-346, 2013
On the relationship between valence and arousal in samples across the globe.
M Yik, C Mues, INL Sze, P Kuppens, F Tuerlinckx, K De Roover, ...
Emotion 23 (2), 332, 2023
Handbook of well-being
SH Schwartz, FM Sortheix, E Diener, S Oishi, L Tay
Noba Scholar, 2018
Emerging adulthood in Finland
K Salmela-Aro, FM Sortheix, M Ranta
Emerging adulthood in a European context, 138-153, 2015
Humiliated self, bad self or bad behavior? The relations between moral emotional appraisals and moral motivation
M Silfver-Kuhalampi, A Figueiredo, F Sortheix, J Fontaine
Journal of Moral Education 44 (2), 213-231, 2015
Changes in young Europeans’ values during the global financial crisis. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 10 (1), 15–25
FM Sortheix, PD Parker, CM Lechner, SH Schwartz
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