Clinton W. Epps
Clinton W. Epps
Professor of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University
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The rise of the mesopredator
LR Prugh, CJ Stoner, CW Epps, WT Bean, WJ Ripple, AS Laliberte, ...
Bioscience 59 (9), 779-791, 2009
Highways block gene flow and cause a rapid decline in genetic diversity of desert bighorn sheep
CW Epps, PJ Palsbøll, JD Wehausen, GK Roderick, RR Ramey, ...
Ecology letters 8 (10), 1029-1038, 2005
Placing linkages among fragmented habitats: do least‐cost models reflect how animals use landscapes?
SC Sawyer, CW Epps, JS Brashares
Journal of Applied Ecology 48 (3), 668-678, 2011
The role of landscape connectivity in planning and implementing conservation and restoration priorities
DA Rudnick, SJ Ryan, P Beier, SA Cushman, F Dieffenbach, CW Epps, ...
Issues in Ecology. 16 (Fall): 1-20., 1-20, 2012
Optimizing dispersal and corridor models using landscape genetics
CW Epps, JD Wehausen, VC Bleich, SG Torres, JS Brashares
Journal of applied ecology 44 (4), 714-724, 2007
Large-scale ruminant genome sequencing provides insights into their evolution and distinct traits
L Chen, Q Qiu, YU Jiang, K Wang, Z Lin, Z Li, F Bibi, Y Yang, J Wang, ...
Science 364 (6446), eaav6202, 2019
Landscape genetics in a changing world: disentangling historical and contemporary influences and inferring change
CW Epps, N Keyghobadi
Molecular ecology 24 (24), 6021-6040, 2015
Effects of climate change on population persistence of desert‐dwelling mountain sheep in California
CW Epps, DR McCULLOUGH, JD Wehausen, VC Bleich, J L. RECHEL
Conservation biology 18 (1), 102-113, 2004
Ecological and conservation implications of mesopredator release
JS Brashares, LR Prugh, CJ Stoner, CW Epps
Trophic cascades: predators, prey, and the changing dynamics of nature, 221-240, 2010
Experiments in DNA extraction and PCR amplification from bighorn sheep feces: the importance of DNA extraction method
JD Wehausen, RR Ramey, CW Epps
Journal of Heredity 95 (6), 503-509, 2004
Late upper paleolithic occupation at Cooper’s Ferry, Idaho, USA,~ 16,000 years ago
LG Davis, DB Madsen, L Becerra-Valdivia, T Higham, DA Sisson, ...
Science 365 (6456), 891-897, 2019
Landscape effects on gene flow for a climate‐sensitive montane species, the A merican pika
JA Castillo, CW Epps, AR Davis, SA Cushman
Molecular ecology 23 (4), 843-856, 2014
Potential effects of the United States‐Mexico border fence on wildlife
AD Flesch, CW Epps, JW CAIN III, M Clark, PR Krausman, JR Morgart
Conservation Biology 24 (1), 171-181, 2010
Genetic applications in avian conservation
SM Haig, WM Bronaugh, RS Crowhurst, J D'elia, CA Eagles-Smith, ...
The Auk 128 (2), 205-229, 2011
The idiosyncrasies of place: geographic variation in the climate–distribution relationships of the American pika
MR Jeffress, TJ Rodhouse, C Ray, S Wolff, CW Epps
Ecological Applications 23 (4), 864-878, 2013
Elevation and connectivity define genetic refugia for mountain sheep as climate warms
CW Epps, PJ Palsbøll, JD Wehausen, GK Roderick, DR McCullough
Molecular Ecology 15 (14), 4295-4302, 2006
Refining and defining riverscape genetics: How rivers influence population genetic structure
CD Davis, CW Epps, RL Flitcroft, MA Banks
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 5 (2), e1269, 2018
An empirical evaluation of the African elephant as a focal species for connectivity planning in East Africa
CW Epps, BM Mutayoba, L Gwin, JS Brashares
Diversity and Distributions 17 (4), 603-612, 2011
Quantifying past and present connectivity illuminates a rapidly changing landscape for the A frican elephant
CW Epps, SK Wasser, JL Keim, BM Mutayoba, JS Brashares
Molecular ecology 22 (6), 1574-1588, 2013
Genetic relatedness of the Preble's meadow jumping mouse (Zapus hudsonius preblei) to nearby subspecies of Z. hudsonius as inferred from variation in cranial morphology …
RR Ramey, HP Liu, CW Epps, LM Carpenter, JD Wehausen
Animal Conservation Forum 8 (3), 329-346, 2005
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