Marion Potschin
Marion Potschin
Fabis Consulting Ltd
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Cited by
The links between biodiversity, ecosystem services and human well-being
R Haines-Young, M Potschin
Ecosystem Ecology: a new synthesis 1, 110-139, 2010
Common international classification of ecosystem services (CICES) V5. 1 and guidance on the application of the revised structure
R Haines-Young, MB Potschin
Ecosystem services: Exploring a geographical perspective
MB Potschin, RH Haines-Young
Progress in physical geography 35 (5), 575-594, 2011
Ecosystem services and ethics
K Jax, DN Barton, KMA Chan, R De Groot, U Doyle, U Eser, C Görg, ...
Ecological economics 93, 260-268, 2013
Common international classification of ecosystem services (CICES): consultation on version 4, August-December 2012. EEA Framework Contract No EEA
R Haines-Young, M Potschin
IEA/09/003, 2013
National Parks, buffer zones and surrounding lands: Mapping ecosystem service flows
I Palomo, B Martín-López, M Potschin, R Haines-Young, C Montes
Ecosystem Services 4, 104-116, 2013
Indicators of ecosystem service potential at European scales: mapping marginal changes and trade-offs
R Haines-Young, M Potschin, F Kienast
Ecological Indicators 21, 39-53, 2012
Solutions for sustaining natural capital and ecosystem services
B Burkhard, R De Groot, R Costanza, R Seppelt, SE Jřrgensen, ...
Ecological indicators 21, 1-6, 2012
Assessing landscape functions with broad-scale environmental data: insights gained from a prototype development for Europe
F Kienast, J Bolliger, M Potschin, RS De Groot, PH Verburg, I Heller, ...
Environmental management 44, 1099-1120, 2009
Common international classification of ecosystem services (CICES): consultation on version 4, August-December 2012
R Haines-Young, M Potschin
European Environment Agency: Copenhagen, Denmark, 2013
Landscapes, sustainability and the place-based analysis of ecosystem services
M Potschin, R Haines-Young
Landscape Ecology 28, 1053-1065, 2013
Defining and measuring ecosystem services
M Potschin, R Haines-Young
Routledge handbook of ecosystem services, 25-44, 2016
Proposal for a common international classification of ecosystem goods and services (CICES) for integrated environmental and economic accounting
R Haines-Young, M Potschin
European Environment Agency 30, 2010
“Rio+ 10”, sustainability science and Landscape Ecology
M Potschin, R Haines-Young
Landscape and urban planning 75 (3-4), 162-174, 2006
Methodologies for defining and assessing ecosystem services
R Haines-Young, M Potschin
Final report, JNCC, project code C08-0170-0062 69, 2009
Governance of ecosystem services: a framework for empirical analysis
E Primmer, P Jokinen, M Blicharska, DN Barton, R Bugter, M Potschin
Ecosystem services 16, 158-166, 2015
Ethical considerations in on-ground applications of the ecosystem services concept
GW Luck, KMA Chan, U Eser, E Gómez-Baggethun, B Matzdorf, B Norton, ...
BioScience 62 (12), 1020-1029, 2012
UK national ecosystem assessment follow-on: cultural ecosystem services and indicators
A Church, R Fish, R Haines-Young, S Mourato, J Tratalos, L Stapleton, ...
University of Sussex, 2014
Routledge handbook of ecosystem services
M Potschin, R Haines-Young, R Fish, RK Turner
Routledge, 2016
State-of-the-art report on integrated valuation of ecosystem services
E Gómez-Baggethun, B Martín-López, D Barton, L Braat, H Saarikoski, ...
EU FP7 OpenNESS project deliverable 4, 1-33, 2014
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