Vladimir L. Sukhorukov
Vladimir L. Sukhorukov
Universität Würzburg, Lehrstuhl für Biotechnologie und Biophysik
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Towards a medically approved technology for alginate-based microcapsules allowing long-term immunoisolated transplantation
H Zimmermann, D Zimmermann, R Reuss, PJ Feilen, B Manz, A Katsen, ...
Journal of materials science: Materials in Medicine 16, 491-501, 2005
Effect of medium conductivity and composition on the uptake of propidium iodide into electropermeabilized myeloma cells
CS Djuzenova, U Zimmermann, H Frank, VL Sukhorukov, E Richter, ...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes 1284 (2), 143-152, 1996
Electromanipulation of mammalian cells: fundamentals and application
U Zimmermann, U Friedrich, H Mussauer, P Gessner, K Hamel, ...
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 28 (1), 72-82, 2000
The effect of electrical deformation forces on the electropermeabilization of erythrocyte membranes in low-and high-conductivity media
VL Sukhorukov, H Mussauer, U Zimmermann
The Journal of membrane biology 163, 235-245, 1998
Reversible electropermeabilization of mammalian cells by high-intensity, ultra-short pulses of submicrosecond duration
KJ Müller, VL Sukhorukov, U Zimmermann
The Journal of membrane biology 184, 161-170, 2001
Intracellular delivery of trehalose into mammalian cells by electropermeabilization
R Shirakashi, CM Köstner, KJ Müller, M Kürschner, U Zimmermann, ...
The Journal of membrane biology 189, 45-54, 2002
Hypotonically induced changes in the plasma membrane of cultured mammalian cells
VL Sukhorukov, WM Arnold, U Zimmermann
The Journal of membrane biology 132, 27-40, 1993
Effects on capacitance by overexpression of membrane proteins
D Zimmermann, A Zhou, M Kiesel, K Feldbauer, U Terpitz, W Haase, ...
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 369 (4), 1022-1026, 2008
Physical and biological properties of barium cross-linked alginate membranes
H Zimmermann, F Wählisch, C Baier, M Westhoff, R Reuss, ...
Biomaterials 28 (7), 1327-1345, 2007
A single-shell model for biological cells extended to account for the dielectric anisotropy of the plasma membrane
VL Sukhorukov, G Meedt, M Kürschner, U Zimmermann
Journal of Electrostatics 50 (3), 191-204, 2001
A non-invasive plant-based probe for continuous monitoring of water stress in real time: a new tool for irrigation scheduling and deeper insight into drought and salinity …
U Zimmermann, R Bitter, PER Marchiori, S Rüger, W Ehrenberger, ...
Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology 25, 2-11, 2013
Intracellular delivery of carbohydrates into mammalian cells through swelling-activated pathways
R Reuss, J Ludwig, R Shirakashi, F Ehrhart, H Zimmermann, S Schneider, ...
The Journal of membrane biology 200, 67-81, 2004
Radiosensitization of glioblastoma cell lines by the dual PI3K and mTOR inhibitor NVP-BEZ235 depends on drug-irradiation schedule
S Kuger, D Graus, R Brendtke, N Günther, A Katzer, P Lutyj, B Polat, ...
Translational oncology 6 (2), 169-IN16, 2013
Leaf patch clamp pressure probe measurements on olive leaves in a nearly turgorless state
W Ehrenberger, S Rüger, CM Rodríguez‐Domínguez, A Díaz‐Espejo, ...
Plant Biology 14 (4), 666-674, 2012
A biophysical approach to the optimisation of dendritic-tumour cell electrofusion
VL Sukhorukov, R Reuss, JM Endter, S Fehrmann, A Katsen-Globa, ...
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 346 (3), 829-839, 2006
Measurement of the permeability and resealing time constant of the electroporated mammalian cell membranes
R Shirakashi, VL Sukhorukov, I Tanasawa, U Zimmermann
International journal of heat and mass transfer 47 (21), 4517-4524, 2004
Concomitant measurements of stem sap flow and leaf turgor pressure in olive trees using the leaf patch clamp pressure probe
CM Rodriguez-Dominguez, W Ehrenberger, C Sann, S Rüger, ...
Agricultural Water Management 114, 50-58, 2012
Surviving high-intensity field pulses: strategies for improving robustness and performance of electrotransfection and electrofusion
VL Sukhorukov, R Reuss, D Zimmermann, C Held, KJ Müller, M Kiesel, ...
The Journal of membrane biology 206, 187-201, 2005
Physicochemical features of ultra-high viscosity alginates
H Storz, KJ Müller, F Ehrhart, I Gómez, SG Shirley, P Gessner, ...
Carbohydrate research 344 (8), 985-995, 2009
Swelling-activated pathways in human T-lymphocytes studied by cell volumetry and electrorotation
M Kiesel, R Reuss, J Endter, D Zimmermann, H Zimmermann, ...
Biophysical journal 90 (12), 4720-4729, 2006
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