Dr. phil. Robert Philipp
Dr. phil. Robert Philipp
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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Blockchain and Smart Contracts for Entrepreneurial Collaboration in Maritime Supply Chains
R Philipp, G Prause, L Gerlitz
Transport and Telecommunication 20 (4), 365-378, 2019
Digital Readiness Index Assessment towards Smart Port Development
R Philipp
Sustainability Management Forum 28 (1), 49-60, 2020
Digital Technologies for Improving Logistics Performance of Countries
A Moldabekova, R Philipp, HE Reimers, B Alikozhayev
Transport and Telecommunication 22 (2), 207-216, 2021
Technological Readiness and Innovation as Drivers for Logistics 4.0
A Moldabekova, R Philipp, AA Satybaldin, G Prause
Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 8 (1), 145-156, 2021
Towards green and smart seaports: renewable energy and automation technologies for bulk cargo loading operations
R Philipp, G Prause, EO Olaniyi, F Lemke
Environmental & Climate Technologies 25 (1), 650-665, 2021
Small and Medium-Sized Seaports on the Digital Track: Tracing Digitalisation across the South Baltic Region by Innovative Auditing Procedures
R Philipp, L Gerlitz, A Moldabekova
International Conference on Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and …, 2020
Blockchain for LBG Maritime Energy Contracting and Value Chain Management: A Green Shipping Business Model for Seaports
R Philipp
Environmental & Climate Technologies 24 (2), 329-349, 2020
Blue Growth Potential in South Baltic Sea Region
R Philipp, G Prause, C Meyer
Transport and Telecommunication 21 (1), 69-83, 2020
Improved Load Planning of RoRo Vessels by Adopting Blockchain and Internet-of-Things
L Henesey, Y Lizneva, R Philipp, C Meyer, L Gerlitz
International Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistic …, 2020
Smart and Sustainable Cross-Sectoral Stakeholder Integration into Macro-Regional LNG Value Chain
L Gerlitz, R Philipp, A Beifert
International Conference on Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and …, 2018
Inventory Routing for Ammonia Supply in German Ports
F Prause, G Prause, R Philipp
Energies 15 (17), 6485, 2022
Regionale Häfen auf Digitalisierungskurs: Intelligentes Wachstum und nachhaltige Wertschöpfung entlang der kleinen und mittelgroßen Häfen des Ostseeraumes
R Philipp, L Gerlitz, G Prause
WiWiTa 2018 Conference - Digitale Unternehmensinnovation und -transformation …, 2018
Smart Contracts for Entrepreneurial Collaboration in Logistics Networks
R Philipp, L Gerlitz, G Prause
International Scientific Conference "New Challenges of Economic and Business …, 2019
Sustainable Electronic Product Development in the Baltic Sea Region: A Regional Gap Analysis of Lab Testing Services
R Philipp, A Ozarska, G Prause
Environmental & Climate Technologies 23 (3), 85-100, 2019
Evaluating LNG Bunkering Automation Technology
L Henesey, R Philipp
World of Shipping Portugal: An International Research Conference on Maritime …, 2019
A digital or sustainable small and medium-sized port? Sustainable port blueprint in the Baltic Sea Region based on port benchmarking
C Meyer, L Gerlitz, R Philipp, V Paulauskas
Transport and Telecommunication Journal 22 (3), 332-342, 2021
Service Design for Trans-National Smart Supply Chains
V Gerasimova, R Philipp, G Prause
International Conference on Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and …, 2021
Reinforcing Innovation and Competitiveness of SMEs by New Maritime Clustering Initiatives in South Baltic Sea Region
C Meyer, R Philipp, L Gerlitz
International Conference on Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and …, 2021
Smart Seaports as Innovation Drivers for Blue Growth
R Philipp
Tallinn University of Technology, School of Business and Governance, 2021
Smart Ports’ Influence on Coastal Sustainability
V Paulauskas, R Philipp, L Henesey, D Paulauskas, A Sutnikas, C Meyer, ...
Transport Means 2021 - 25th International Scientific Conference, 2021
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Artikel 1–20