Uwe Ludewig
Uwe Ludewig
University of Hohenheim, Nutritional Crop Physiology
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The Arabidopsis Major Intrinsic Protein NIP5;1 Is Essential for Efficient Boron Uptake and Plant Development under Boron Limitation
J Takano, M Wada, U Ludewig, G Schaaf, N von Wirén, T Fujiwara
The Plant Cell 18 (6), 1498-1509, 2006
ZmYS1 functions as a proton-coupled symporter for phytosiderophore-and nicotianamine-chelated metals
G Schaaf, U Ludewig, BE Erenoglu, S Mori, T Kitahara, N Von Wirén
Journal of Biological Chemistry 279 (10), 9091-9096, 2004
Tonoplast Intrinsic Proteins AtTIP2;1 and AtTIP2;3 Facilitate NH3 Transport into the Vacuole
D Loqué, U Ludewig, L Yuan, N von Wirén
Plant physiology 137 (2), 671-680, 2005
A Mycorrhizal-Specific Ammonium Transporter from Lotus japonicus Acquires Nitrogen Released by Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi
M Guether, B Neuhäuser, R Balestrini, M Dynowski, U Ludewig, ...
Plant Physiology 150 (1), 73-83, 2009
Gating of the voltage-dependent chloride channel CIC-0 by the permeant anion
M Pusch, U Ludewig, A Rehfeldt, TJ Jentsch
Nature 373 (6514), 527-531, 1995
Plant plasma membrane water channels conduct the signalling molecule H2O2
M Dynowski, G Schaaf, D Loque, O Moran, U Ludewig
Biochemical Journal 414 (1), 53-61, 2008
Two physically distinct pores in the dimeric CIC-0 chloride channel
U Ludewig, M Pusch, TJ Jentsch
Nature 383 (6598), 340-343, 1996
Urea transport by nitrogen-regulated tonoplast intrinsic proteins in Arabidopsis
LH Liu, U Ludewig, B Gassert, WB Frommer, N von Wirén
Plant physiology 133 (3), 1220-1228, 2003
Uniport of NH 4+ by the root hair plasma membrane ammonium transporter LeAMT1; 1
U Ludewig, N von Wirén, WB Frommer
Journal of Biological Chemistry 277 (16), 13548-13555, 2002
Perspective on wheat yield and quality with reduced nitrogen supply
C Zörb, U Ludewig, MJ Hawkesford
Trends in plant science 23 (11), 1029-1037, 2018
Extracellular K+ specifically modulates a rat brain K+ channel.
LA Pardo, SH Heinemann, H Terlau, U Ludewig, C Lorra, O Pongs, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 89 (6), 2466-2470, 1992
Conservation of amino acid transporters in fungi, plants and animals
D Wipf, U Ludewig, M Tegeder, D Rentsch, W Koch, WB Frommer
Trends in biochemical sciences 27 (3), 139-147, 2002
Low and high affinity amino acid H+‐cotransporters for cellular import of neutral and charged amino acids
WN Fischer, DDF Loo, W Koch, U Ludewig, KJ Boorer, M Tegeder, ...
The Plant Journal 29 (6), 717-731, 2002
Molecular mechanisms of ammonium transport and accumulation in plants
U Ludewig, B Neuhäuser, M Dynowski
FEBS letters 581 (12), 2301-2308, 2007
A putative function for the Arabidopsis Fe–phytosiderophore transporter homolog AtYSL2 in Fe and Zn homeostasis
G Schaaf, A Schikora, J Häberle, G Vert, U Ludewig, JF Briat, C Curie, ...
Plant and Cell Physiology 46 (5), 762-774, 2005
The Kinase CIPK23 Inhibits Ammonium Transport in Arabidopsis thaliana
T Straub, U Ludewig, B Neuhäuser
The Plant Cell 29 (2), 409-422, 2017
Homo-and hetero-oligomerization of ammonium transporter-1 NH 4+ uniporters
U Ludewig, S Wilken, B Wu, W Jost, P Obrdlik, M El Bakkoury, AM Marini, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 278 (46), 45603-45610, 2003
Molecular and functional characterization of a family of amino acid transporters from Arabidopsis
YH Su, WB Frommer, U Ludewig
Plant physiology 136 (2), 3104-3113, 2004
AtDUR3 Encodes a New Type of High-Affinity Urea/H+ Symporter in Arabidopsis
LH Liu, U Ludewig, WB Frommer, N von Wirén
The Plant Cell 15 (3), 790-800, 2003
Regulation of NH4  + Transport by Essential Cross Talk between AMT Monomers through the Carboxyl Tails
B Neuhäuser, M Dynowski, M Mayer, U Ludewig
Plant physiology 143 (4), 1651-1659, 2007
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