Philip Meyer
Philip Meyer
Product Owner, Bosch Group
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E-Portfolios als Assessment-Instrument im Augsburger" Begleitstudium Problemlösekompetenz"
T Sporer, S Sippel, P Meyer
MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung 18, 1-19, 2009
Entwicklung einer Plattform zur Integration informeller Projektaktivitäten in das formale Hochschulcurriculum
T Sporer, T Jenert, P Meyer, J Metscher
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2008
Patterns on civic engagement, service learning and campus community partnerships from the" program for the advancement of service learning and social responsibility of …
J Miller, P Meyer, N Ruda
Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Program …, 2013
e3-Portfolio – Supporting and Assessing Project-Based Learning in Higher Education via E-Portfolios
P Meyer, T Sporer, J Metscher
Learning in the Synergy of Multiple Disciplines: 4th European Conference on …, 2009
Using E-Portfolios as an Assessment Instrument within the Study-Program “Problem-Solving Competencies”
T Sporer, S Sippel, P Meyer
na, 2009
Blending Service Learning and E-Learning Elements in Higher Education: Experiences with a Variation of the Inverted Classroom Model
P Meyer
The Inverted Classroom Model: The 3rd ICM Conference Proceedings, Berlin: De …, 2014
e³-Portfolio–Collaboration and Assessment of informal Learning Activities based on E-Portfolios
T Sporer, J Metscher, P Meyer
Kreativität und Innovationskompetenz im digitalen Netz. Wie kommt das “Neue …, 2009
Service Learning in Fachdisziplinen an Hochschulen
PA Meyer
Staats-und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky, 2018
Interdisciplinary cohesion of TEL–an account of multiple perspectives
P Meyer, S Kelle, TD Ullmann, P Scott, F Wild
Scaling up Learning for Sustained Impact: 8th European Conference, on …, 2013
Begleitstudium als Modell zur Einbettung informellen Lernens in das Universitätsstudium
T Sporer, P Meyer, M Steinle
Wissen–Wissenschaft–Organisation. Proceedings der12. Tagung der Deutschen …, 2009
Technology-Enhanced Learning as an Interdisciplinary Epistemic Community
PA Meyer
University of Augsburg, 2011
Introducing Feedback Mechanisms to Users of Higher Education ePortfolios
P Meyer, T Sporer
Developing a platform for the integration of informal learning into the formal curriculum of higher education
T Sporer, T Jenert, P Meyer, J Metscher
EdMedia+ Innovate Learning, 3063-3070, 2008
E-Portfolios und Assessment-Feedback Empirische Ergebnisse zum Augsburger Begleitstudium
P Meyer, T Sporer
Logos Verlag, 2010
Erfassung von Bildungsprozessen mit digitalen Medien–Die Möglichkeiten des E-Portfolios
F Linke, P Meyer
Die vermessen (d) e Bildung: Möglichkeiten und Risiken digital vernetzter …, 0
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