Chotiga Pattamadilok
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The locus of the orthographic consistency effect in auditory word recognition
P Ventura, J Morais, C Pattamadilok, R Kolinsky
Language and Cognitive processes 19 (1), 57-95, 2004
Orthographic effects in spoken language: On-line activation or phonological restructuring?
L Perre, C Pattamadilok, M Montant, JC Ziegler
Brain research 1275, 73-80, 2009
Consistency and variability in functional localisers
KJ Duncan, C Pattamadilok, I Knierim, JT Devlin
Neuroimage 46 (4), 1018-1026, 2009
On-line orthographic influences on spoken language in a semantic task
C Pattamadilok, L Perre, S Dufau, JC Ziegler
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 21 (1), 169-179, 2009
How does learning to read affect speech perception?
C Pattamadilok, IN Knierim, KJK Duncan, JT Devlin
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (25), 8435-8444, 2010
The locus of the orthographic consistency effect in auditory word recognition: Further evidence from French
C Pattamadilok, J Morais, P Ventura, R Kolinsky
Language and Cognitive Processes 22 (5), 700-726, 2007
Schooling in western culture promotes context-free processing
P Ventura, C Pattamadilok, T Fernandes, O Klein, J Morais, R Kolinsky
Journal of experimental child psychology 100 (2), 79-88, 2008
Investigating occipito-temporal contributions to reading with TMS
KJ Duncan, C Pattamadilok, JT Devlin
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 22 (4), 739-750, 2010
Automaticity of phonological and semantic processing during visual word recognition
C Pattamadilok, V Chanoine, C Pallier, JL Anton, B Nazarian, P Belin, ...
NeuroImage 149, 244-255, 2017
Beyond rhyme or reason: ERPs reveal task-specific activation of orthography on spoken language
C Pattamadilok, L Perre, JC Ziegler
Brain and language 116 (3), 116-124, 2011
The developmental turnpoint of orthographic consistency effects in speech recognition
P Ventura, R Kolinsky, C Pattamadilok, J Morais
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 100 (2), 135-145, 2008
P Colé, C Pattamadilok
L’Année psychologique 118 (4), 319-319, 2018
The orthographic consistency effect in the recognition of French spoken words: An early developmental shift from sublexical to lexical orthographic activation
C Pattamadilok, J Morais, O De Vylder, P Ventura, R Kolinsky
Applied Psycholinguistics 30 (3), 441-462, 2009
Unattentive speech processing is influenced by orthographic knowledge: Evidence from mismatch negativity
C Pattamadilok, J Morais, C Colin, R Kolinsky
Brain and Language 137, 103-111, 2014
Spatiotemporal reorganization of the reading network in adult dyslexia
E Cavalli, P Colé, C Pattamadilok, JM Badier, C Zielinski, V Chanoine, ...
Cortex 92, 204-221, 2017
Auditory word serial recall benefits from orthographic dissimilarity
C Pattamadilok, H Lafontaine, J Morais, R Kolinsky
Language and Speech 53 (3), 321-341, 2010
Contribution of writing to reading: Dissociation between cognitive and motor process in the left dorsal premotor cortex
C Pattamadilok, A Ponz, S Planton, M Bonnard
Human Brain Mapping 37 (4), 1531-1543, 2016
Broca's area plays a causal role in morphosyntactic processing
M Carreiras, C Pattamadilok, E Meseguer, H Barber, JT Devlin
Neuropsychologia 50 (5), 816-820, 2012
A role for left inferior frontal and posterior superior temporal cortex in extracting a syntactic tree from a sentence
C Pattamadilok, S Dehaene, C Pallier
cortex 75, 44-55, 2016
How early does the brain distinguish between regular words, irregular words, and pseudowords during the reading process? Evidence from neurochronometric TMS
C Pattamadilok, LC Bulnes, JT Devlin, M Bourguignon, J Morais, ...
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 27 (6), 1259-1274, 2015
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Articles 1–20