Christine Robson
Christine Robson
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Cited by
Creek watch: pairing usefulness and usability for successful citizen science
S Kim, C Robson, T Zimmerman, J Pierce, EM Haber
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2011
Comparing the use of social networking and traditional media channels for promoting citizen science
C Robson, M Hearst, C Kau, J Pierce
Proceedings of the 2013 conference on Computer supported cooperative work …, 2013
Context and domain knowledge enhanced entity spotting in informal text
D Gruhl, M Nagarajan, J Pieper, C Robson, A Sheth
The Semantic Web-ISWC 2009: 8th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC …, 2009
Multimodal social intelligence in a real-time dashboard system
D Gruhl, M Nagarajan, J Pieper, C Robson, A Sheth
The VLDB journal 19, 825-848, 2010
Midas: integrating public financial data
S Balakrishnan, V Chu, MA Hernández, H Ho, R Krishnamurthy, SX Liu, ...
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of …, 2010
Using mobile technology and social networking to crowdsource citizen science
C Robson
University of California, Berkeley, 2012
Artist ranking through analysis of on-line community comments
J Grace, D Gruhl, K Haas, M Nagarajan, C Robson, N Sahoo
Parts traceability for manufacturers
C Robson, Y Watanabe, M Numao
2007 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Data Engineering, 1212-1221, 2006
Applications of voting theory to information mashups
A Alba, V Bhagwan, J Grace, D Gruhl, K Haas, M Nagarajan, J Pieper, ...
2008 IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, 10-17, 2008
Monitoring residential noise for prospective home owners and renters
T Zimmerman, C Robson
Pervasive Computing: 9th International Conference, Pervasive 2011, San …, 2011
A model-based comparative study of traceability systems
K Murthy, C Robson
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems …, 2008
Fast-approximate TFIDF
DF Gruhl, CM Robson
US Patent 7,730,061, 2010
Managing conversations, awareness and availability on multi-device messaging systems based on modeling device usage over time
CB Kau, JS Pierce, CM Robson, JT Schoudt
US Patent 9,160,700, 2015
Location-based mobile application and service selection
KAU Christian, JS Pierce, CM Robson, JT Schoudt
US Patent 9,247,386, 2016
Data collection by the people, for the people
C Robson, S Kandel, J Heer, J Pierce
CHI'11 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 25-28, 2011
Updating indexing tables in a database system
CM Robson, Y Watanabe
US Patent 8,095,535, 2012
Method for storing text annotations with associated type information in a structured data store
CM Robson, Y Watanabe
US Patent 7,558,786, 2009
Portable wireless device for monitoring noise
C Drews, CM Robson, TG Zimmerman
US Patent App. 13/016,222, 2012
Using mobile technology and social networking to crowdsource citizen science (Doctoral dissertation)
C Robson
UC Berkeley Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 2012
Interaction-based management of contact entries
CB Kau, JS Pierce, CM Robson, JT Schoudt
US Patent 9,053,111, 2015
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20