Andreas Muehling
Andreas Muehling
Professor of Computer Science Education, Kiel University & IPN Kiel
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Design and first results of a psychometric test for measuring basic programming abilities
A Mühling, A Ruf, P Hubwieser
Proceedings of the workshop in primary and secondary computing education, 2-10, 2015
Towards a conceptualization of pedagogical content knowledge for computer science
P Hubwieser, J Magenheim, A Mühling, A Ruf
Proceedings of the ninth annual international ACM conference on …, 2013
Developing assessments to determine mastery of programming fundamentals
A Luxton-Reilly, BA Becker, Y Cao, R McDermott, C Mirolo, A Mühling, ...
Proceedings of the 2017 ITiCSE Conference on Working Group Reports, 47-69, 2018
Notional machines in computing education: The education of attention
S Fincher, J Jeuring, CS Miller, P Donaldson, B Du Boulay, M Hauswirth, ...
Proceedings of the working group reports on innovation and technology in …, 2020
Scratch vs. Karel: impact on learning outcomes and motivation
A Ruf, A Mühling, P Hubwieser
Proceedings of the 9th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education …, 2014
Online Lernverlaufsmessung für alle SchülerInnen in inklusiven Klassen. www. LEVUMI. de
M Gebhardt, K Diehl, A Mühling
Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik 67 (10), 444-454, 2016
Playing PISA with bebras
P Hubwieser, A Mühling
Proceedings of the 9th workshop in primary and secondary computing education …, 2014
Investigating the psychometric structure of Bebras contest: towards mesuring computational thinking skills
P Hubwieser, A Mühling
2015 international conference on learning and teaching in computing and …, 2015
Gender differences in programming: research results and teachers' perception
A Funke, M Berges, A Mühling, P Hubwieser
Proceedings of the 15th Koli Calling Conference on Computing Education …, 2015
Levumi: A web-based curriculum-based measurement to monitor learning progress in inclusive classrooms
J Jungjohann, JM DeVries, M Gebhardt, A Mühling
Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 16th International Conference …, 2018
Formative Diagnostik durch die Onlineplattform LEVUMI
A Mühling, M Gebhardt, K Diehl
Informatik-Spektrum 40, 556-561, 2017
Fast lowest common ancestor computations in dags
S Eckhardt, AM Mühling, J Nowak
Algorithms–ESA 2007: 15th Annual European Symposium, Eilat, Israel, October …, 2007
Complexity in education for sustainable consumption—An educational data mining approach using mysteries
JC Benninghaus, A Mühling, K Kremer, S Sprenger
Sustainability 11 (3), 722, 2019
Keeping secrets: K-12 students' understanding of cryptography
A Lindmeier, A Mühling
Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Primary and Secondary Computing …, 2020
Investigating knowledge structures in computer science education
AM Mühling
Technische Universität München, 2014
The gap between knowledge and ability
M Berges, A Mühling, P Hubwieser
Proceedings of the 12th Koli Calling international conference on computing …, 2012
Handling heterogeneity in programming courses for freshmen
D Capovilla, M Berges, A Mühling, P Hubwieser
2015 International Conference on Learning and Teaching in Computing and …, 2015
What students (should) know about object oriented programming
P Hubwieser, A Mühling
Proceedings of the seventh international workshop on Computing education …, 2011
Progress monitoring in primary education using Levumi: a case study
A Mühling, J Jungjohann, M Gebhardt
SCITEPRESS-Science and Technology Publications, 2019
Exploring core ideas of procedural understanding in scientific inquiry using educational data mining
JC Arnold, A Mühling, K Kremer
Research in Science & Technological Education 41 (1), 372-392, 2023
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