Peter Plapper
Peter Plapper
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Electrical performance of laser braze-welded aluminum–copper interconnects
T Solchenbach, P Plapper, W Cai
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 16 (2), 183-189, 2014
Mechanical characteristics of laser braze-welded aluminium–copper connections
T Solchenbach, P Plapper
Optics & Laser Technology 54, 249-256, 2013
Deriving essential components of lean and industry 4.0 assessment model for manufacturing SMEs
S Kolla, M Minufekr, P Plapper
Procedia Cirp 81, 753-758, 2019
Business analytics in manufacturing: Current trends, challenges and pathway to market leadership
YM Omar, M Minoufekr, P Plapper
Operations Research Perspectives 6, 100127, 2019
Position identification in force-guided robotic peg-in-hole assembly tasks
IF Jasim, PW Plapper, H Voos
Procedia Cirp 23, 217-222, 2014
Digital Twin for human–robot interactions by means of Industry 4.0 Enabling Technologies
A Gallala, AA Kumar, B Hichri, P Plapper
Sensors 22 (13), 4950, 2022
Contact-state monitoring of force-guided robotic assembly tasks using expectation maximization-based Gaussian mixtures models
IF Jasim, PW Plapper
The international journal of advanced manufacturing technology 73, 623-633, 2014
Laser assisted joining of hybrid polyamide-aluminum structures
C Lamberti, T Solchenbach, P Plapper, W Possart
Physics Procedia 56, 845-853, 2014
Laser welding of dissimilar copper and aluminum sheets by shaping the laser pulses
K Mathivanan, P Plapper
Procedia manufacturing 36, 154-162, 2019
Evaluation of laser braze-welded dissimilar Al-Cu joints
P Schmalen, P Plapper
Physics Procedia 83, 506-514, 2016
A survey of information entropy metrics for complex networks
YM Omar, P Plapper
Entropy 22 (12), 1417, 2020
Safe and automated assembly process using vision assisted robot manipulator
R Ahmad, P Plapper
Procedia Cirp 41, 771-776, 2016
Value stream management in the “lean manufacturing laboratory”
C Oberhausen, P Plapper
Procedia Cirp 32, 144-149, 2015
Highlighting chemical bonding between nylon-6.6 and the native oxide from an aluminum sheet assembled by laser welding
P Hirchenhahn, A Al Sayyad, J Bardon, A Felten, P Plapper, L Houssiau
ACS Applied Polymer Materials 2 (7), 2517-2527, 2020
New insights into the origin of fine equiaxed microstructures in additively manufactured Inconel 718
I Cazic, J Zollinger, S Mathieu, M El Kandaoui, P Plapper, B Appolaire
Scripta Materialia 195, 113740, 2021
Insights into the Evolution of Host Association through the Isolation and Characterization of a Novel Human Periodontal Pathobiont, Desulfobulbus oralis
KL Cross, P Chirania, W Xiong, CJ Beall, JG Elkins, RJ Giannone, ...
MBio 9 (2), 10.1128/mbio. 02061-17, 2018
Contact-state modelling in force-controlled robotic peg-in-hole assembly processes of flexible objects using optimised Gaussian mixtures
IF Jasim, PW Plapper, H Voos
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of …, 2017
Augmented reality in manual assembly processes
SSVK Kolla, A Sanchez, M Minoufekr, P Plapper
9th International Conference on Mass Customization and Personalization …, 2020
Retrofitting of legacy machines in the context of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
SSVK Kolla, DM Lourenço, AA Kumar, P Plapper
Procedia Computer Science 200, 62-70, 2022
Survey: The evolution of the usage of augmented reality in industry 4.0
A Gallala, B Hichri, P Plapper
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 521 (1), 012017, 2019
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