Thomas Schmutzer
Thomas Schmutzer
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A physical, genetic and functional sequence assembly of the barley genome.
KF Mayer, R Waugh, P Langridge, TJ Close, RP Wise, A Graner, ...
Nature, 2012
A chromosome conformation capture ordered sequence of the barley genome
M Mascher, H Gundlach, A Himmelbach, S Beier, SO Twardziok, T Wicker, ...
Nature 544 (7651), 427-433, 2017
Towards a whole‐genome sequence for rye (Secale cereale L.)
E Bauer, T Schmutzer, I Barilar, M Mascher, H Gundlach, MM Martis, ...
The Plant Journal 89 (5), 853-869, 2017
Reticulate evolution of the rye genome
MM Martis, R Zhou, G Haseneyer, T Schmutzer, J Vrána, M Kubaláková, ...
The Plant Cell 25 (10), 3685-3698, 2013
Selfish supernumerary chromosome reveals its origin as a mosaic of host genome and organellar sequences
MM Martis, S Klemme, AM Banaei-Moghaddam, FR Blattner, J Macas, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (33), 13343-13346, 2012
Construction of a map-based reference genome sequence for barley, Hordeum vulgare L.
S Beier, A Himmelbach, C Colmsee, XQ Zhang, RA Barrero, Q Zhang, L Li, ...
Scientific Data 4 (1), 1-24, 2017
BARLEX–the barley draft genome explorer
C Colmsee, S Beier, A Himmelbach, T Schmutzer, N Stein, U Scholz, ...
Molecular Plant 8 (6), 964-966, 2015
From RNA-seq to large-scale genotyping - genomics resources for rye (Secale cereale L.)
G Haseneyer, T Schmutzer, M Seidel, R Zhou, M Mascher, CC Schön, ...
BMC Plant Biology 11, 1-13, 2011
A sequence-ready physical map of barley anchored genetically by two million single-nucleotide polymorphisms
R Ariyadasa, M Mascher, T Nussbaumer, D Schulte, Z Frenkel, ...
Plant physiology 164 (1), 412-423, 2014
Asexual genome evolution in the apomictic Ranunculus auricomus complex: examining the effects of hybridization and mutation accumulation
M Pellino, D Hojsgaard, T Schmutzer, U Scholz, E Hörandl, H Vogel, ...
Molecular Ecology 22 (23), 5908-5921, 2013
Comparative genome analysis reveals divergent genome size evolution in a carnivorous plant genus
GTH Vu, T Schmutzer, F Bull, HX Cao, J Fuchs, TD Tran, G Jovtchev, ...
The Plant Genome 8 (3), plantgenome2015.04.0021, 2015
Species-wide genome sequence and nucleotide polymorphisms from the model allopolyploid plant Brassica napus.
T Schmutzer, B Samans, E Dyrszka, C Ulpinnis, S Weise, D Stengel, ...
Scientific data 2, 150072-150072, 2015
A Homolog of Blade-On-Petiole 1 and 2 (BOP1/2) Controls Internode Length and Homeotic Changes of the Barley Inflorescence
M Jost, S Taketa, M Mascher, A Himmelbach, T Yuo, F Shahinnia, ...
Plant physiology 171 (2), 1113-1127, 2016
COMPOSITUM 1 contributes to the architectural simplification of barley inflorescence via meristem identity signals
N Poursarebani, C Trautewig, M Melzer, T Nussbaumer, U Lundqvist, ...
Nature Communications 11 (1), 5138, 2020
From plant genomes to phenotypes
M Bolger, R Schwacke, H Gundlach, T Schmutzer, J Chen, D Arend, ...
Journal of Biotechnology 261, 46-52, 2017
Heterotic haplotype capture: precision breeding for hybrid performance
RJ Snowdon, A Abbadi, T Kox, T Schmutzer, G Leckband
Trends in plant science 20 (7), 410-413, 2015
How next-generation sequencing has aided our understanding of the sequence composition and origin of B chromosomes
A Ruban, T Schmutzer, U Scholz, A Houben
Genes 8 (11), 294, 2017
Supernumerary B chromosomes of Aegilops speltoides undergo precise elimination in roots early in embryo development
A Ruban, T Schmutzer, DD Wu, J Fuchs, A Boudichevskaia, M Rubtsova, ...
Nature Communications 11 (1), 2764, 2020
A putative role for amino acid permeases in sink-source communication of barley tissues uncovered by RNA-seq
S Kohl, J Hollmann, FR Blattner, V Radchuk, F Andersch, B Steuernagel, ...
BMC plant biology 12, 1-18, 2012
Cytogenetic mapping with centromeric bacterial artificial chromosomes contigs shows that this recombination‐poor region comprises more than half of barley chromosome 3 H
L Aliyeva‐Schnorr, S Beier, M Karafiátová, T Schmutzer, U Scholz, ...
The Plant Journal 84 (2), 385-394, 2015
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