Wolfgang Nowak
Wolfgang Nowak
Stochastic Modelling of Hydrosystems, Universität Stuttgart
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Modeling soil processes: Review, key challenges, and new perspectives
H Vereecken, A Schnepf, JW Hopmans, M Javaux, D Or, T Roose, ...
Vadose zone journal 15 (5), vzj2015. 09.0131, 2016
Data-driven uncertainty quantification using the arbitrary polynomial chaos expansion
S Oladyshkin, W Nowak
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 106, 179-190, 2012
How much electrical energy storage do we need? A synthesis for the US, Europe, and Germany
F Cebulla, J Haas, J Eichman, W Nowak, P Mancarella
Journal of Cleaner Production 181, 449-459, 2018
Parameter estimation by ensemble Kalman filters with transformed data: Approach and application to hydraulic tomography
A Schöniger, W Nowak, HJ Hendricks Franssen
Water Resources Research 48 (4), 2012
Challenges and trends of energy storage expansion planning for flexibility provision in low-carbon power systems–a review
J Haas, F Cebulla, K Cao, W Nowak, R Palma-Behnke, C Rahmann, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 80, 603-619, 2017
Model selection on solid ground: Rigorous comparison of nine ways to evaluate B ayesian model evidence
A Schöniger, T Wöhling, L Samaniego, W Nowak
Water resources research 50 (12), 9484-9513, 2014
Floating photovoltaic plants: Ecological impacts versus hydropower operation flexibility
J Haas, J Khalighi, A De La Fuente, SU Gerbersdorf, W Nowak, PJ Chen
Energy Conversion and Management 206, 112414, 2020
Bayesian geostatistical design: Task‐driven optimal site investigation when the geostatistical model is uncertain
W Nowak, FPJ De Barros, Y Rubin
Water Resources Research 46 (3), 2010
A concept for data-driven uncertainty quantification and its application to carbon dioxide storage in geological formations
S Oladyshkin, H Class, R Helmig, W Nowak
Advances in Water Resources 34 (11), 1508-1518, 2011
A primer for model selection: The decisive role of model complexity
M Höge, T Wöhling, W Nowak
Water Resources Research 54 (3), 1688-1715, 2018
Flow topology and scalar mixing in spatially heterogeneous flow fields
FPJ De Barros, M Dentz, J Koch, W Nowak
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (8), 2012
Best unbiased ensemble linearization and the quasi‐linear Kalman ensemble generator
W Nowak
Water Resources Research 45 (4), 2009
Anthropogenic Trace Compounds (ATCs) in aquatic habitats—Research needs on sources, fate, detection and toxicity to ensure timely elimination strategies and risk management
SU Gerbersdorf, C Cimatoribus, H Class, KH Engesser, S Helbich, ...
Environment International 79, 85-105, 2015
Reliability analysis with stratified importance sampling based on adaptive Kriging
S Xiao, S Oladyshkin, W Nowak
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 197, 106852, 2020
Efficient computation of linearized cross-covariance and auto-covariance matrices of interdependent quantities
W Nowak, S Tenkleve, OA Cirpka
Mathematical geology 35, 53-66, 2003
Geostatistical inverse modeling of transient pumping tests using temporal moments of drawdown
W Li, W Nowak, OA Cirpka
Water resources research 41 (8), 2005
Flow radar glyphs—static visualization of unsteady flow with uncertainty
M Hlawatsch, P Leube, W Nowak, D Weiskopf
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 17 (12), 1949-1958, 2011
Stochastic flux‐related analysis of transverse mixing in two‐dimensional heterogeneous porous media
OA Cirpka, FPJ de Barros, G Chiogna, M Rolle, W Nowak
Water Resources Research 47 (6), 2011
A multi-service approach for planning the optimal mix of energy storage technologies in a fully-renewable power supply
J Haas, F Cebulla, W Nowak, C Rahmann, R Palma-Behnke
Energy Conversion and Management 178, 355-368, 2018
Catchments as reactors: a comprehensive approach for water fluxes and solute turnover
P Grathwohl, H Rügner, T Wöhling, K Osenbrück, M Schwientek, S Gayler, ...
Environmental earth sciences 69, 317-333, 2013
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