Andreas Rücklé
Andreas Rücklé
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Beir: A heterogenous benchmark for zero-shot evaluation of information retrieval models
N Thakur, N Reimers, A Rücklé, A Srivastava, I Gurevych
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.08663, 2021
AdapterFusion: Non-Destructive Task Composition for Transfer Learning
J Pfeiffer, A Kamath, A Rücklé, K Cho, I Gurevych
EACL 2021, 2020
AdapterHub: A Framework for Adapting Transformers
J Pfeiffer, A Rücklé, C Poth, A Kamath, I Vulić, S Ruder, K Cho, I Gurevych
EMNLP 2020, System Demonstrations, 2020
Adapterdrop: On the efficiency of adapters in transformers
A Rücklé, G Geigle, M Glockner, T Beck, J Pfeiffer, N Reimers, I Gurevych
EMNLP 2021, 2020
Text processing like humans do: Visually attacking and shielding nlp systems
S Eger, GG Şahin, A Rücklé, JU Lee, C Schulz, M Mesgar, K Swarnkar, ...
NAACL 2019, 1634-1647, 2019
Concatenated Power Mean Word Embeddings as Universal Cross-Lingual Sentence Representations
A Rücklé, S Eger, M Peyrard, I Gurevych
arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.01400, 2018
What to Pre-Train on? Efficient Intermediate Task Selection
C Poth, J Pfeiffer, A Rücklé, I Gurevych
EMNLP 2021, 2021
MultiCQA: Zero-Shot Transfer of Self-Supervised Text Matching Models on a Massive Scale
A Rücklé, J Pfeiffer, I Gurevych
EMNLP 2020, 2020
Improved Cross-Lingual Question Retrieval for Community Question Answering
A Rücklé, K Swarnkar, I Gurevych
WWW 2019, 3179-3186, 2019
Scigen: a dataset for reasoning-aware text generation from scientific tables
NS Moosavi, A Rücklé, D Roth, I Gurevych
Thirty-fifth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems Datasets …, 2021
Representation learning for answer selection with lstm-based importance weighting
A Rücklé, I Gurevych
IWCS 2017, 2017
End-to-end non-factoid question answering with an interactive visualization of neural attention weights
A Rücklé, I Gurevych
ACL 2017, System Demonstrations, 2017
Pitfalls in the Evaluation of Sentence Embeddings
S Eger, A Rücklé, I Gurevych
Repl4NLP 2019, 2019
COALA: A Neural Coverage-Based Approach for Long Answer Selection with Small Data
A Rücklé, NS Moosavi, I Gurevych
AAAI 2019, 6932-6939, 2019
Improving QA generalization by concurrent modeling of multiple biases
M Wu, NS Moosavi, A Rücklé, I Gurevych
Findings of EMNLP 2020, 2020
Learning to reason for text generation from scientific tables
NS Moosavi, A Rücklé, D Roth, I Gurevych
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.08296, 2021
Neural Duplicate Question Detection without Labeled Training Data
A Rücklé, NS Moosavi, I Gurevych
EMNLP 2019, 1607-1617, 2019
LSDSem 2017: Exploring data generation methods for the story cloze test
M Bugert, Y Puzikov, A Rücklé, J Eckle-Kohler, T Martin, ...
LSDSem Workshop 2017, 56-61, 2017
TWEAC: transformer with extendable QA agent classifiers
G Geigle, N Reimers, A Rücklé, I Gurevych
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.07081, 2021
Improving generalization by incorporating coverage in natural language inference
NS Moosavi, PA Utama, A Rücklé, I Gurevych
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.08940, 2019
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