Emmy Bergsma
Emmy Bergsma
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The adaptive capacity wheel: a method to assess the inherent characteristics of institutions to enable the adaptive capacity of society
J Gupta, C Termeer, J Klostermann, S Meijerink, M Van den Brink, P Jong, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 13 (6), 459-471, 2010
Q methodology to select participants for a stakeholder dialogue on energy options from biomass in the Netherlands
E Cuppen, S Breukers, M Hisschemöller, E Bergsma
Ecological Economics 69 (3), 579-591, 2010
Sharing the burden of financing adaptation to climate change
R Dellink, M Den Elzen, H Aiking, E Bergsma, F Berkhout, T Dekker, ...
Global Environmental Change 19 (4), 411-421, 2009
Assessing adaptation in 29 European countries
E Massey, E Bergsma
Amsterdam: IVM, 2008
Institutions for climate change: A method to assess the inherent characteristics of institutions to enable the adaptive capacity of society
J Gupta, C Termeer, JEM Klostermann, S Meijerink, MA van den Brink, ...
IVM: Institute for Environmental Studies Vrije Universiteit, 2008
Does individual responsibility increase the adaptive capacity of society? The case of local water management in the Netherlands
E Bergsma, J Gupta, P Jong
Resources, conservation and recycling 64, 13-22, 2012
The adaptive capacity of institutions in the spatial planning, water, agriculture and nature sectors in the Netherlands
J Gupta, E Bergsma, C Termeer, GR Biesbroek, M van den Brink, P Jong, ...
Mitigation and adaptation strategies for global change 21, 883-903, 2016
Heterogeneity of experts’ opinion regarding opportunities and challenges of tackling deforestation in the tropics: a Q methodology application
M Nijnik, A Nijnik, E Bergsma, R Matthews
Mitigation and adaptation strategies for global change 19, 621-640, 2014
Changed knowledge requirements for spatial flood governance
E Bergsma
Ecology and Society 21 (4), 2016
The adaptive capacity wheel: a method to assess the inherent characteristics of institutions to enable the adaptive capacity of society
P Jong, S Nooteboom, E Bergsma
Environ Sci Policy 13 (6), 459471, 2010
Sharing the burden of adaptation financing
R Dellink, M Den Elzen, H Aiking, E Bergsma, F Berkhout, T Dekker, ...
Global Environmental Change 19, 411-421, 2009
The development of flood risk management in the United States
E Bergsma
Environmental Science & Policy 101, 32-37, 2019
Sharing the burden of adaptation financing-Translating ethical principles into practical policy
RB Dellink, T Dekker, M den Elzen, H Aiking, J Peters, J Gupta, ...
Vrije Universiteit & Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, 2008
Adapting to new realities: an analysis of institutional work in three cases of Dutch infrastructure planning
E Bergsma, M Giezen, B Schalkwijk, C Büscher
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 62 (1), 88-105, 2019
Unpacking notions of residents' responsibility in flood risk governance
KAW Snel, DLT Hegger, HLP Mees, RK Craig, M Kammerbauer, N Doorn, ...
Environmental Policy and Governance 32 (3), 217-231, 2022
From flood safety to spatial management
E Bergsma
Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2019
Expert-influence in adapting flood governance: An institutional analysis of the spatial turns in the United States and the Netherlands
E Bergsma
Journal of Institutional Economics 14 (3), 449-471, 2018
Geographers versus managers: Expert influence on the construction of values underlying flood insurance in the United States
E Bergsma
Environmental Values 25 (6), 687-705, 2016
Institutions for Climate Change
E Bergsma, J Gupta, P De Jong
Working Document 7, 2009
Applying the adaptive capacity wheel on the background document of the content analysis
J Klostermann, EJ Bergsma, J Gupta, P Jong
Instituut voor Milieuvraagstukken, Vrije Universiteit, 2010
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