Yuriy Gerasimov
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Cited by
Towards DJI phantom 4 realistic simulation with gimbal and RC controller in ROS/Gazebo environment
A Sagitov, Y Gerasimov
2017 10th International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering …, 2017
Modeling Inhibitory and Excitatory Synapse Learning in the Memristive Neuron Model.
M Talanov, E Zykov, V Erokhin, E Magid, S Distefano, Y Gerasimov, ...
ICINCO (2), 514-521, 2017
Russian mobile robot Servosila Engineer: designing an optimal integration of an extra laser range finder for SLAM purposes
N Alishev, R Lavrenov, Y Gerasimov
Int. Conf. on Artificial Life and Robotics, 204-207, 2018
On the organic memristive device resistive switching efficacy
Y Gerasimov, E Zykov, N Prudnikov, M Talanov, A Toschev, V Erokhin
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 143, 110549, 2021
Emotional social robot" Emotico"
E Chebotareva, R Safin, A Shafikov, D Masaev, A Shaposhnikov, ...
Dopamine modulation via memristive schematic
M Talanov, E Zykov, Y Gerasimov, A Toschev, V Erokhin
arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.06325, 2017
Electronic schematic for bio-plausible dopamine neuromodulation of eSTDP and iSTDP
M Talanov, Y Gerasimov, V Erokhin
arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.04703, 2018
Memristive neuron integration in digital robotic embodiment
M Talanov, E Zykov, Y Gerasimov, E Magid, A Elizarov, V Erokhin
ICAROB 2018: Proceedings Of The 2018 International Conference On Artificial …, 2018
Development of a heterogeneous aerial swarm control framework for forest management
Y Gerasimov, A Sagitov, E Magid
DJI Phantom 4 Realistic Simulation with Gimbal and RC Controller in Gazebo
A Sagitov, Y Gerasimov
On the organic memristive device resistive switching efficacy
M Talanov, E Zykov, Y Gerasimov, V Erokhin, N Prudnikov, A Toschev
Modeling inhibitory and excitatory synapse learning in the memristive neuron model
E Zykov, M Talanov, Y Gerasimov, S Distefano, J Vallverdú, E Magid, ...
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Articles 1–12