Taylor Owen
Taylor Owen
Beaverbrook Chair of Media, Ethics and Communication and Associate Professor, McGill University
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Human security-conflict, critique and consensus: Colloquium remarks and a proposal for a threshold-based definition
T Owen
Security dialogue 35 (3), 373-387, 2004
The causes and consequences of COVID-19 misperceptions: Understanding the role of news and social media
A Bridgman, E Merkley, PJ Loewen, T Owen, D Ruths, L Teichmann, ...
Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review 1 (3), 2020
The platform press: How Silicon Valley reengineered journalism
EJ Bell, T Owen, PD Brown, C Hauka, N Rashidian
Conflicts over shared rivers: Resource scarcity or fuzzy boundaries?
NP Gleditsch, K Furlong, H Hegre, B Lacina, T Owen
Political Geography 25 (4), 361-382, 2006
A rare moment of cross-partisan consensus: Elite and public response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada
E Merkley, A Bridgman, PJ Loewen, T Owen, D Ruths, O Zhilin
Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique …, 2020
Disruptive power: The crisis of the state in the digital age
T Owen
Oxford University Press, USA, 2015
The second generation of human security: lessons from the UN and EU experience
M Martin, T Owen
International affairs 86 (1), 211-224, 2010
Bombs over cambodia
T Owen, B Kiernan
Third World Resurgence 201, 41, 2007
Why human security
PH Liotta, T Owen
Whitehead J. Dipl. & Int'l Rel. 7, 37, 2006
Challenges and opportunities for defining and measuring human security
T Owen
Disarmament Forum 3 (2004), 15-24, 2004
Routledge handbook of human security
M Martin, T Owen
Routledge, 2014
Virtual reality journalism
R Aronson-Rath, J Milward, T Owen, F Pitt
Columbia Journalism School, 2016
What is' human security'?
JP Burgess, T Owen
Security Dialogue 35 (3), 345-372, 2004
The Critique That Doesn't Bite: A Response to David Chandler'sHuman Security: The Dog That Didn't Bark'
T Owen
Security Dialogue 39 (4), 445-453, 2008
Infodemic pathways: Evaluating the role that traditional and social media play in cross-national information transfer
A Bridgman, E Merkley, O Zhilin, PJ Loewen, T Owen, D Ruths
Frontiers in Political Science 3, 648646, 2021
Virtual reality journalism
T Owen, F Pitt, R Aronson-Rath, J Milward
Tow Center for Digital Journalism, Columbia Journalism School. https://www …, 2015
Journalism after Snowden: the future of the free press in the surveillance state
E Bell, T Owen
Columbia University Press, 2017
Human security: From definitions to investigating a discourse
D Gasper
Routledge handbook of human security, 28-42, 2013
A Imprensa Nas Plataformas: Como O Vale Silício Reestruturouo Jornalismo
EJ Bell, T Owen, PD Brown, C Hauka, N Rashidian
Measuring human security: Methodological challenges and the importance of geographically referenced determinants
T Owen
Environmental change and human security: Recognizing and acting on hazard …, 2008
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