Beatrice Weder, Beatrice Weder di Mauro
Beatrice Weder, Beatrice Weder di Mauro
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A free press is bad news for corruption
A Brunetti, B Weder
Journal of Public economics 87 (7-8), 1801-1824, 2003
Do corrupt governments receive less foreign aid?
A Alesina, B Weder
American economic review 92 (4), 1126-1137, 2002
Economics in the time of COVID-19: A new eBook
R Baldwin, BW Di Mauro
Vox CEPR Policy Portal 2 (3), 105-109, 2020
Bureaucratic corruption and the rate of temptation: do wages in the civil service affect corruption, and by how much?
C Van Rijckeghem, B Weder
Journal of development economics 65 (2), 307-331, 2001
Sources of contagion: is it finance or trade?
C Van Rijckeghem, B Weder
Journal of international Economics 54 (2), 293-308, 2001
Credibility of rules and economic growth: Evidence from a worldwide survey of the private sector
A Brunetti, G Kisunko, B Weder
The World Bank Economic Review 12 (3), 353-384, 1998
Firm size and the business environment: Worldwide survey results
M Schiffer, B Weder
World Bank Publications, 2001
Investment and institutional uncertainty: a comparative study of different uncertainty measures
A Brunetti, B Weder
Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 134 (3), 513-533, 1998
Reconciling risk sharing with market discipline: A constructive approach to euro area reform
A Bénassy-Quéré, M Brunnermeier, H Enderlein, E Farhi, C Fuest, ...
Centre for Economic Policy Research, 2018
Institutional obstacles to doing business: region-by-region results from a worldwide survey of the private sector
A Brunetti, G Kisunko, B Weder
World Bank Publications, 1997
Political credibility and economic development
S Borner, A Brunetti, B Weder
Springer, 2016
Corruption and the rate of temptation: do low wages in the civil service cause corruption?
CV Rijckeghem, B Weder, V Tanzi, P Wickham
(No Title), 1997
Quantifying structural subsidy values for systemically important financial institutions
K Ueda, BW Di Mauro
Journal of Banking & Finance 37 (10), 3830-3842, 2013
Spillovers through banking centers: a panel data analysis of bank flows
C Van Rijckeghem, B Weder
Journal of International Money and Finance 22 (4), 483-509, 2003
Rethinking central banking: committee on international economic policy and reform
B Eichengreen, M El-Erian, A Fraga, T Ito, J Pisani-Ferry, E Prasad, ...
Brookings Institution, 2011
Institutions in transition: reliability of rules and economic performance in former socialist countries
A Brunetti, G Kisunko, B Weder
World Bank Publications, 1997
3 Bureaucratic Corruption and the Rate of Temptation: Do Wages in the Civil Service Affect Corruption, and by How Much?
C Rijckeghem
Governance, corruption, and economic performance, 2001
COVID-19: Europe needs a catastrophe relief plan
A Bénassy-Quéré, R Marimon, J Pisani-Ferry, L Reichlin, D Schoenmaker, ...
Political institutions and debt crises
C Van Rijckeghem, B Weder
Public choice 138, 387-408, 2009
A new start for the Eurozone: Dealing with debt
G Corsetti, LP Feld, PR Lane, L Reichlin, H Rey, D Vayanos, BW di Mauro
CEPR. Centre for Economic Policy Research, 2015
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