Markus Stocker
Markus Stocker
TIB — Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology and Leibniz University Hannover
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SPARQL basic graph pattern optimization using selectivity estimation
M Stocker, A Seaborne, A Bernstein, C Kiefer, D Reynolds
Proceedings of the 17th international conference on World Wide Web, 595-604, 2008
Open research knowledge graph: next generation infrastructure for semantic scholarly knowledge
MY Jaradeh, A Oelen, KE Farfar, M Prinz, J D'Souza, G Kismihók, ...
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on knowledge capture, 243-246, 2019
Towards a knowledge graph for science
S Auer, V Kovtun, M Prinz, A Kasprzik, M Stocker, ME Vidal
Proceedings of the 8th international conference on web intelligence, mining …, 2018
The fundamentals of iSPARQL: A virtual triple approach for similarity-based semantic web tasks
C Kiefer, A Bernstein, M Stocker
International Semantic Web Conference, 295-309, 2007
PelletSpatial: A Hybrid RCC-8 and RDF/OWL Reasoning and Query Engine
M Stocker, E Sirin
OWLED 529, 2009
Improving access to scientific literature with knowledge graphs
S Auer, A Oelen, M Haris, M Stocker, J D’Souza, KE Farfar, L Vogt, ...
Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis 44 (3), 516-529, 2020
The Scholix framework for interoperability in data-literature information exchange
A Burton, H Koers, P Manghi, M Stocker, M Fenner, A Aryani, S La Bruzzo, ...
D-Lib Magazine 23 (1/2), 2017
Owlgres: A Scalable OWL Reasoner
M Stocker, M Smith
OWLED 432, 2008
OptARQ: A SPARQL optimization approach based on triple pattern selectivity estimation
A Bernstein, C Kiefer, M Stocker
University of Zurich, 2007
Semantic process retrieval with iSPARQL
C Kiefer, A Bernstein, HJ Lee, M Klein, M Stocker
The Semantic Web: Research and Applications: 4th European Semantic Web …, 2007
Generate FAIR literature surveys with scholarly knowledge graphs
A Oelen, MY Jaradeh, M Stocker, S Auer
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE joint conference on digital libraries in 2020 …, 2020
Situational knowledge representation for traffic observed by a pavement vibration sensor network
M Stocker, M Rönkkö, M Kolehmainen
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 15 (4), 1441-1450, 2014
The sciqa scientific question answering benchmark for scholarly knowledge
S Auer, DAC Barone, C Bartz, EG Cortes, MY Jaradeh, O Karras, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 7240, 2023
Integrating data and analysis technologies within leading environmental research infrastructures: Challenges and approaches
R Huber, C D'Onofrio, A Devaraju, J Klump, HW Loescher, S Kindermann, ...
Ecological Informatics 61, 101245, 2021
FAIR convergence matrix: Optimizing the reuse of existing FAIR-related resources
HP Sustkova, KM Hettne, P Wittenburg, A Jacobsen, T Kuhn, R Pergl, ...
Data Intelligence 2 (1-2), 158-170, 2020
FAIR scientific information with the open research knowledge graph
M Stocker, A Oelen, MY Jaradeh, M Haris, OA Oghli, G Heidari, H Hussein, ...
FAIR Connect 1 (1), 19-21, 2023
Persistent Identification of Instruments
M Stocker, L Darroch, R Krahl, T Habermann, A Devaraju, ...
Data Science Journal 19 (1), 18, 2020
Detection and classification of vehicles by measurement of road-pavement vibration and by means of supervised machine learning
M Stocker, P Silvonen, M Rönkkö, M Kolehmainen
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 20 (2), 125-137, 2016
Representing situational knowledge acquired from sensor data for atmospheric phenomena
M Stocker, E Baranizadeh, H Portin, M Komppula, M Rönkkö, A Hamed, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 58, 27-47, 2014
Comparing research contributions in a scholarly knowledge graph
A Oelen, MY Jaradeh, KE Farfar, M Stocker, S Auer
CEUR workshop proceedings; 2526 2526, 21-26, 2019
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