Abay Namen
Abay Namen
Dr. rer. nat. Palaeolithic Archaeologist, Nazarbayev University
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Zitiert von
In search of a Paleolithic silk road in Kazakhstan
R Iovita, A Varis, A Namen, P Cuthbertson, Z Taimagambetov, CE Miller
Quaternary International 559, 119-132, 2020
Finding karstic caves and rockshelters in the Inner Asian mountain corridor using predictive modelling and field survey
P Cuthbertson, T Ullmann, C Büdel, A Varis, A Namen, R Seltmann, ...
PLoS One 16 (1), e0245170, 2021
Mechanical properties of lithic raw materials from Kazakhstan: Comparing chert, shale, and porphyry
A Namen, R Iovita, KG Nickel, A Varis, Z Taimagambetov, P Schmidt
Plos one 17 (4), e0265640, 2022
The effect of formation processes on the frequency of palaeolithic cave sites in semiarid zones: Insights from Kazakhstan
A Varis, CE Miller, P Cuthbertson, A Namen, Z Taimagambetov, R Iovita
Geoarchaeology 37 (4), 594-616, 2022
Predvaritel’nye itogi razvedovatel’nykh rabot proekta PALAEOSILKROAD: mul’tidistsiplinarnyi podkhod v issledovaniyakh [Preliminary survey resuts of the PALAEOSILKROAD project …
A Namen, V Aristeidis, P Cuthbertson, R Iovita, Z Taimagambetov
Proceedings of the International scientific and practical conference ‘Great …, 2020
Ochre-based compound adhesives at the Mousterian type-site document complex cognition and high investment
P Schmidt, R Iovita, A Charrié-Duhaut, G Möller, A Namen, E Dutkiewicz
Science Advances 10 (8), eadl0822, 2024
Preliminary results of the first lithic raw material survey in the piedmont zones of Kazakhstan
A Namen, P Cuthbertson, A Varis, P Schmidt, Z Taimagambetov, R Iovita
Asian Archaeology 6 (1), 53-64, 2022
Nazugum, a new 4000 year old rockshelter site in the Ili Alatau, Tien Shan
A Namen, A Varis, S Lindauer, R Friedrich, Z Taimagambetov, R Iovita
Archaeological Research in Asia 30, 100370, 2022
New stratified Stone Age sites at Tikenekti-2 and Yntymaq in the Ile Alatau piedmonts (southeastern Kazakhstan)
A Namen, Z Taimagambetov, A Varis, E Coco, M Coto-Sarmiento, ...
Kazakhstan Archeology, 158-173, 2024
The impact of cooperation under climate constraints: an Agent-Based Model for exploring Paleolithic behavioral adaptations in the Inner Asian Mountain Corridor
M Coto-Sarmiento, A Namen, A Varis, R Iovita
SocArXiv, 2023
Raw material choices in the palaeolithic of the Inner Asian Mountain Corridor of Kazakhstan
A Namen
Universität Tübingen, 2022
Preference for Porphyry: Petrographic Insights into Lithic Raw Material Procurement from Palaeolithic Kazakhstan
A Namen, P Schmidt, A Varis, Z Taimagambetov, R Iovita
Journal of Field Archaeology 47 (7), 435-450, 2022
Early Holocene human occupations in the western Tian Shan (Central Asia): Insights from the Alpysbaev Cave
A Namen, A Varis, E Coco, S Lindauer, Z Taimagambetov, R Iovita
OSF, 0
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