richard matear
richard matear
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Anthropogenic ocean acidification over the twenty-first century and its impact on calcifying organisms
JC Orr, VJ Fabry, O Aumont, L Bopp, SC Doney, RA Feely, ...
Nature 437 (7059), 681-686, 2005
The carbon cycle and atmospheric carbon dioxide
IC Prentice, GD Farquhar, MJR Fasham, ML Goulden, M Heimann, ...
Climate change 2001: the scientific basis, Intergovernmental panel on …, 2001
Ocean salinities reveal strong global water cycle intensification during 1950 to 2000
PJ Durack, SE Wijffels, RJ Matear
science 336 (6080), 455-458, 2012
Response of ocean ecosystems to climate warming
JL Sarmiento, R Slater, R Barber, L Bopp, SC Doney, AC Hirst, J Kleypas, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 18 (3), 2004
Southern Ocean acidification: A tipping point at 450-ppm atmospheric CO2
BI McNeil, RJ Matear
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (48), 18860-18864, 2008
Climate change and Australian marine life
ES Poloczanska, RC Babcock, A Butler, AJ Hobday, O Hoegh-Guldberg, ...
Oceanography and marine biology 45, 407, 2007
Long‐term changes in dissolved oxygen concentrations in the ocean caused by protracted global warming
RJ Matear, AC Hirst
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 17 (4), 2003
Mixed responses of tropical Pacific fisheries and aquaculture to climate change
JD Bell, A Ganachaud, PC Gehrke, SP Griffiths, AJ Hobday, ...
Nature Climate Change 3 (6), 591-599, 2013
Effects of climate‐driven primary production change on marine food webs: implications for fisheries and conservation
CJ Brown, EA Fulton, AJ Hobday, RJ Matear, HP Possingham, C Bulman, ...
Global Change Biology 16 (4), 1194-1212, 2010
Evaluation of ocean model ventilation with CFC-11: comparison of 13 global ocean models
JC Dutay, JL Bullister, SC Doney, JC Orr, R Najjar, K Caldeira, ...
Ocean Modelling 4 (2), 89-120, 2002
Climate change feedback on the future oceanic CO2 uptake
RJ Matebr, AC Hirst
Tellus B 51 (3), 722-733, 1999
Evaluating global ocean carbon models: The importance of realistic physics
SC Doney, K Lindsay, K Caldeira, JM Campin, H Drange, JC Dutay, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 18 (3), 2004
Anthropogenic CO2 in the oceans estimated using transit time distributions
DW Waugh, TM Hall, BI McNeil, R Key, RJ Matear
Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology 58 (5), 376-389, 2006
Parameter optimization and analysis of ecosystem models using simulated annealing: A case study at Station P
RJ Matear
Anthropogenic CO2 uptake by the ocean based on the global chlorofluorocarbon data set
BI McNeil, RJ Matear, RM Key, JL Bullister, JL Sarmiento
Science 299 (5604), 235-239, 2003
Impact of circulation on export production, dissolved organic matter, and dissolved oxygen in the ocean: Results from Phase II of the Ocean Carbon‐cycle Model Intercomparison …
RG Najjar, X Jin, F Louanchi, O Aumont, K Caldeira, SC Doney, JC Dutay, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 21 (3), 2007
Changes in dissolved oxygen in the Southern Ocean with climate change
RJ Matear, AC Hirst, BI McNeil
Geochemistry, geophysics, geosystems 1 (11), 2000
Localized subduction of anthropogenic carbon dioxide in the Southern Hemisphere oceans
JB Sallée, RJ Matear, SR Rintoul, A Lenton
Nature Geoscience 5 (8), 579-584, 2012
Seasonal and interannual variability in particle fluxes of carbon, nitrogen and silicon from time series of sediment traps at Ocean Station P, 1982–1993: Relationship to …
CS Wong, FA Whitney, DW Crawford, K Iseki, RJ Matear, WK Johnson, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 46 (11-12), 2735-2760, 1999
Sea–air CO2 fluxes in the Southern Ocean for the period 1990–2009
A Lenton, B Tilbrook, RM Law, D Bakker, SC Doney, N Gruber, M Ishii, ...
Biogeosciences 10 (6), 4037-4054, 2013
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